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New-KernelModeWDACConfig available parameters


  • Mandatory parameters indicate you always need to provide values for them.

  • Automatic parameters indicate that if you used Set-CommonWDACConfig cmdlet to set default values for them, the module will automatically use them. This saves time and prevents repetitive tasks. However, if no value exists in User Configurations for an Automatic parameter and you didn't explicitly provide a value for that parameter either, then you will see an error asking you to provide value for it. Explicitly providing a value for an Automatic parameter in the command line overrides its default value in User Configurations, meaning the module will ignore the value of the same parameter in the User Configurations file.

  • Optional parameters indicate that they are not required and without using them the module will automatically run with the optimal settings.

  • Many cmdlets and parameters of the module support the PowerShell's built-in -Debug switch and when that switch is used, they display extra details and debugging messages on the console, showing you what's happening under the hood.

New-KernelModeWDACConfig -Default


New-KernelModeWDACConfig [-Default] [-PrepMode] [-AuditAndEnforce] [-EVSigners]

How to use

This cmdlet creates a Kernel-mode WDAC policy based on the Default Windows example policy. You can read more about that process in here.

The default parameter indicates that the Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy will be deployed with flight root certificates, allowing you to use insider builds of the OS.

First you need to use the PrepMode parameter to deploy the base policy in Audit mode, then restart your system, after restart event logs are generated for Kernel-mode drivers that are running but would otherwise get blocked if the policy was not deployed in Audit mode.

Now you need to use the AuditAndEnforce parameter to create the final base policy. This parameter will scan the event logs, create a supplemental policy for the drivers detected in event logs, merge the supplemental policy with the Strict Kernel-mode base policy and deploy it as a single base policy.

Hardware drivers are scanned based on their certificates so they won't require a policy update when they are updated as long as they are still signed with the same certificate.

The deployed base policy can have supplemental policies too so if in the future you need to allow more Kernel-mode drivers to run on your system, you can use the following command to automatically create and deploy a Supplemental policy.

Edit-WDACConfig -AllowNewAppsAuditEvents -SuppPolicyName "Kernel mode drivers for software X" -PolicyPaths <Path to Strict Kernel-mode policy xml file> -Fallbacks None -NoUserPEs -NoScript

More info about the command above

4 optional parameter

  • -PrepMode: Deploys the Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy in Audit mode, preparing the system for an Audit.

  • -AuditAndEnforce: Audits the system using event logs for any blocked drivers, generates and deploys the final Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy on the system.

  • -EVSigners: Uses EVSigners policy rule option. If you want to use this parameter, make sure you use it for both PrepMode and AuditAndEnforce parameters. Read more about EV Signers

  • -Deployit: Indicates that the policy will be deployed. If you want to deploy the final strict kernel-mode base policy Signed, do not use this parameter with -AuditAndEnforce. Instead just create the policy and then use Deploy-SignedWDACConfig cmdlet to deploy it.

horizontal super thin rainbow RGB line

New-KernelModeWDACConfig -NoFlightRoots


New-KernelModeWDACConfig [-NoFlightRoots] [-PrepMode] [-AuditAndEnforce] [-EVSigners]

How to use

This cmdlet creates a Kernel-mode WDAC policy based on the Default Windows example policy. You can read more about that process in here.

The NoFlightRoots parameter indicates that the Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy will not be deployed with flight root certificates, disallowing you to use insider builds of the OS.

First you need to use the PrepMode parameter to deploy the base policy in Audit mode, then restart your system, after restart event logs are generated for Kernel-mode drivers that are running but would otherwise get blocked if the policy was not deployed in Audit mode.

Now you need to use the AuditAndEnforce parameter to create the final base policy. This parameter will scan the event logs, create a supplemental policy for the drivers detected in event logs, merge the supplemental policy with the Strict Kernel-mode base policy and deploy it as a single base policy.

Hardware drivers are scanned based on their certificates so they won't require a policy update when they are updated as long as they are still signed with the same certificate.

The deployed base policy can have supplemental policies too so if in the future you need to allow more Kernel-mode drivers to run on your system, you can use the following command to automatically create and deploy a Supplemental policy.

Edit-WDACConfig -AllowNewAppsAuditEvents -SuppPolicyName "Kernel mode drivers for software X" -PolicyPaths <Path to Strict Kernel-mode policy xml file> -Fallbacks None -NoUserPEs -NoScript

More info about the command above

3 optional parameter

  • -PrepMode: Deploys the Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy in Audit mode, preparing the system for an Audit.

  • -AuditAndEnforce: Audits the system using event logs for any blocked drivers, generates and deploys the final Strict Kernel-mode WDAC policy on the system.

  • -EVSigners: Uses EVSigners policy rule option. If you want to use this parameter, make sure you use it for both PrepMode and AuditAndEnforce parameters. Read more about EV Signers

  • -Deployit: Indicates that the policy will be deployed. If you want to deploy the final strict kernel-mode no flight roots base policy Signed, do not use this parameter with -AuditAndEnforce. Instead just create the policy and then use Deploy-SignedWDACConfig cmdlet to deploy it.


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