soliddriver-checks is
a tool for KMP(Kernel Module Package)
and installed/running kernel module
checking, with this tool, users can have an report of their KMP(s) and KM status (the report can be formatted in html
, excel
and json
), the tool can be run as command line tool or service:
Note: This tool only check the KMP and KM are built meet SUSE’s requirement, don’t look into the code perspective. So any bugs or security related issues inside the kernel module can not be found.
- KM: kernel module
- KMP: kernel module package
- pypi:
pip install soliddriver-checks
- zypper: the rpms can be found on
You should contact your IHVs to rebuild the KMP for you to meet the requirement of SUSE, and ask them to to follow the Kernel Module Packages Manual or contact SUSE directly if they don’t know how to do it.
- Highlight in yellow: Warning, this is not necessary but have potential issue, like no signature, not GPL compatible license and etc.
- Highlight in red: Error, could cause issue during the installation, after kernel upgrade or during the kernel module is running and etc.
- “Summary of the result from vendor perspective”: Summarize the number of check failure.
- “Check result in details”: Show the detail of every KMP been checked by this tool.
- Show the detail of every kernel module is running or founded under
Usage: soliddriver-checks [OPTIONS] [CHECK_TARGET]
Run checks against CHECK_TARGET.
KMP file
directory containing KMP files
"system" to check locally installed kernel modules
-f, --format [html|xlsx|json] Specify output format
-i, --filter TEXT Filter kernel module to report (Beta)
-o, --output TEXT Output destination. Target can be filename or
point existing directory If directory, files
will be placed in the directory using a
autmatically generated filename. If target is
not an existing directory, file name is
assumed and output files will use the path
and file name specified. In either case, the
file extension will be automatically appended
matching on the output format
--help Show this message and exit.
“key” [ = | != | match | no ] “value”
and | or
( )
EBNF grammer can be found in
All the
can be found in the json file generated by this tool, they are:-
For Kernel Module:
[ modulename | filename | license | signature | supported | running | kmp ]
- modulename -> Name of the kernel module
- filename -> File path
- license. -> License
- signature -> Signature
- supported -> Value of “supported” flag
- running -> Running status (True | False)
- kmp -> Installed by which KMP
For Kernel Module Package:
[ name | path | vendor | signature | license | wm2_invoked | supported_flag | km_signatures | km_licenses | symbols | modalias]
- name -> Name
- path -> Path
- vendor -> Vendor
- signature -> Signature
- license -> License
- wm2_invoked -> Weak Module Invoked
- supported_flag -> Supported Flag (Kernel Module)
- km_signatures -> Signatures (Kernel Module)
- km_licenses -> Licenses (Kernel Module)
- symbols -> Symbols (Kernel Module)
- modalias -> Modalias (Kernel Module)
match: match only take the python regex pattern.
- Search by evaluation of
“key.level” [ = | != ] “PASS” | “WARNING” | “ERROR”
- If you want to search by row evaluation, the
should be“level.level”
“level.level” [ = | != ] “PASS” | “WARNING” | “ERROR”
- Search by evaluation of
- Check KMPs under a directory, and generated a HTML report:
soliddriver-checks /path/to/kmps -f html -o [report-name].html
- Check current system’s KM, and generated a excel report:
soliddriver-checks -f xlsx -o [report-name].xlsx
- Run soliddirver-checks as service:
export REFRESH_INTERVAL=12 # data will be refreshed every 12 hours.
- Generate report from remote (make sure you have the server running remotely), and generated a HTML report:
soliddriver-checks http://remote-ip:8080/kms_info -f html -o [report-name].html
- Generate a kernel module report only contain which are not meet SUSE requirement:
soliddriver-checks -f html -o [report-name].html -i ‘“level.level” != “PASS”’