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DEPRECATED - HCA Data Coordination Platform Command Line Interface


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This repository contains a command line interface (CLI) and Python library for interacting with the Data Coordination Platform (DCP) of the Human Cell Atlas (HCA). Currently it allows interaction with the Upload Service and Data Storage Service (DSS).


pip install hca.


The hca package installs a command-line utility hca.

To see the list of commands you can use, type hca --help. Commands are grouped into major categories that roughly correspond to DCP system components, e.g. DSS, Staging Service. To get detailed help for a particular command group type, e.g. hca upload --help.

Configuration management

The HCA CLI supports ingesting configuration from a configurable array of sources. Each source is a JSON file. Configuration sources that follow the first source update the configuration using recursive dictionary merging. Sources are enumerated in the following order (i.e., in order of increasing priority):

  • Site-wide configuration source, /etc/hca/config.json
  • User configuration source, ~/.config/hca/config.json
  • Any sources listed in the colon-delimited variable HCA_CONFIG_FILE
  • Command line options

Array merge operators: When loading a chain of configuration sources, the HCA CLI uses recursive dictionary merging to combine the sources. Additionally, when the original config value is a list, the package supports array manipulation operators, which let you extend and modify arrays defined in underlying configurations. See for a list of these operators.


To develop on the CLI, first run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt. You can install your locally modified copy of the hca package by running make install in the repository root directory.

To use the command line interface with a local or test DSS, first run hca (or scripts/hca if you want to use the package in place from the repository root directory). This will create the file ~/.config/hca/config.json, which you can modify to update the value of DSSClient.swagger_url to point to the URL of the Swagger definition served by your DSS deployment. Lastly, the CLI enforces HTTPS connection to the DSS API. If you are connecting to a local DSS, make this change in dcp-cli/hca/util/ in the SwaggerClient object:

scheme = "http"

You can also layer a minimal config file on top of the default config.json using the HCA_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, for example:

export SWAGGER_URL=""
jq -n .DSSClient.swagger_url=env.SWAGGER_URL > ~/.config/hca/config.staging.json
export HCA_CONFIG_FILE=~/.config/hca/config.staging.json

To use the Python interface with a local or test DSS, configure an HCAConfig object with a swagger_url field, and pass it as a parameter to the API client's constructor:

config = HCAConfig()
config['DSSClient'].swagger_url = ""
client = DSSClient(config=config)
res = client.post_search(...)


Before you run tests, first run hca dss login. This will pop up a browser and get you to authenticate with Google. Use an email from one of the whitelisted domains (in DSS_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTHORIZED_DOMAINS_ARRAY from here).

Then make test.


Please report bugs, issues, feature requests, etc. on GitHub.


Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.