Voice-automated music player using Java and CMU Sphinx4 Voice Recognition API
I don't know how to properly compile Java projects that use third-party API into .exe's so there is no installation yet
Simple music player that uses local music files (.mp3, .m4a, etc) and voice automation to control the music's play state, volume, and current or previous song.
Users can still control the app through the UI, but seamless voice control is also provided.
9 distinct voice commands are provided:
- "Music Play" unpauses the music and plays it
- "Music Pause" pauses the music
- "Music Skip" skips the current song
- "Music Back" goes to the previous songs
- "Clear History" clears the history of songs already played, so you can play them again while shuffling
- "Current/Get Volume" returns the current volume of the program in the terminal
- "Volume [num]" sets the volume from 1 to 10, depending on the number said
- "Toggle Shuffle" turns on/off the shuffle feature of the app
- "End Program" closes the program entirely
Playlist filtered by the artist name "IZ*ONE"
Regular playlist screen with the song "After Like" selected, along with reactive play/pause button
MuPlay is always listening to your microphone because that's how I like to use it. I don't even know how to toggle the microphone but I sure can tell you I don't know how to steal your information through the program
This was a project I made around August of 2022 because I wanted to create something that I found fun and useful (so I could change music lazily while playing Elden Ring) as well as needing SOMETHING to put down on my college apps and I haven't updated it since. I'd love to come back to it sometime as I'm kind've missing Java as of late and I think I'm probably a much better programmer since than. If anything, finally using something like SceneBuilder or FXML instead of that dog vanilla JavaGUI that I have no idea how to use would make this project look and feel better.