A snap collector plugin that collect Kafka metrics from the MX4J http adaptor. This plugin should support any service exposed with MX4J, though not tested on other service yet.
This command will perform 1. cleaning, 2. dependencies installation with glide, 3. plugin compilation with go, and 4. a simple test located in ./kafka folder. After these steps, the plugin should locate in ./build/snap-plugin-collector-kafka.
snaptel plugin load \<plugin binary filepath\>
Remember to add these fields below to snapteld global configuration (i.e. snapteld --config <config-file>) to provide mx4j server information.
mx4j_url: localhost
mx4j_port: 8082
For detail format please see snapteld-config.yaml or here
- Tested under go version go1.8.1 linux/amd64
- The plugin has to be loaded AFTER the kafka service was launched. Because it will pull available metric types during runtime from mx4j api when it is loading into snaptel.
- Caching getMetricAPI and getMetricType