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Integrated Protocols
- By Categories
By Packages
- xmipp3 (58 protocols)
- scipion (20 protocols)
- spider (10 protocols)
- relion (9 protocols)
- eman2 (5 protocols)
- grigoriefflab (5 protocols)
- imagic (2 protocols)
- bsoft (2 protocols)
- gctf (1 protocols)
- appion (1 protocols)
- emxlib (1 protocols)
- resmap (1 protocols)
- simple (1 protocols)
- igbmc (1 protocols)
- cryoem_scipion (1 protocols)
- atsas (1 protocols)
- gautomatch (1 protocols)
scipion - import averages: Imports a set of averages into the project
scipion - import coordinates: Imports a set of coordinates into the project
scipion - import ctf: Imports a set of CTFs into the project
scipion - import mask: Imports masks from existing files into the project
scipion - import micrographs: Imports a set of micrographs into the project
scipion - import movies: Imports a set of movies (from direct detector cameras) into the project
scipion - import particles: Imports a set of particles into the project
scipion - import pdb volumes: Imports a set of PDB volumes into the project
scipion - import tilted micrographs: Imports untilted-tilted pairs of micrographs into the project
scipion - import volumes: Imports a set of volumes into the project
gctf - CTF estimation on GPU: Estimates CTF on a set of micrographs
grigoriefflab - Summovie: Generates frame sums that can be used in subsequent image processing steps and optionally applies an exposure-dependent filter to maximize the signal at all resolutions in the frame averages.
grigoriefflab - Unblur: Aligns the frames of movies recorded on direct detector cameras to reduce image blurring caused by beam-induced motion.
grigoriefflab - ctffind: Estimates CTF on a set of micrographs using either ctffind3 or ctffind4 program.
scipion - ctf assign: Assigns a CTF estimation to a particular set of particles, producing a new set.
xmipp3 - ctf consensus: Estimates the agreement between different estimations of the CTF for the same set of micrographs.
xmipp3 - ctf estimation: Estimates the CTF on a set of micrographs using Xmipp
xmipp3 - movie alignment: Aligns movies, from direct detectors cameras, and sums them into micrographs
xmipp3 - movie extract particles: Extracts a set of particles from each frame of a set of movies.
xmipp3 - preprocess micrographs: Preprocesses a set of micrographs. Can crop borders, remove bad pixels, etc.
appion - dogpicker: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Appion dogpicker
bsoft - bfilter: Wrapper around the Bsoft bfilter program
bsoft - particle picking: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Bsoft
eman2 - boxer: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using the EMAN2 e2boxer.py program
eman2 - sparx gaussian picker: Picks particles automatically in a set of micrographs using Sparx gaussian picker
gautomatch - auto-picking: Gautomatch is a GPU accelerated program for fully automatic particle picking.
igbmc - auto-picking: gEMpicker is a GPU-driven template-based particle picking program that uses cross-correlation approach.
relion - auto-picking (step 1): This Relion protocol uses 2D class averages as templates to run the auto-picking. In this first stage, the auto-picking will be run just in few micrographs to optimize two main parameters: Picking threshold and Minimum inter-particle distance. It will write out so-called FOM maps: two large (micrograph-sized) files per reference.
relion - auto-picking (step 2): This Relion protocol uses 2D class averages as templates to run the auto-picking. In this second stage, the protocol reads the FOM maps to optimize the Threshold and Minimum inter-particle distance.
relion - particle polishing: Tracks particle movement in movie frames, applies a resolution and dose-dependent weighting scheme for each frame and finally sums them together.
relion - preprocess particles: Wrapper around the Relion preprocess program.
scipion - extract coordinates: Extracts the coordinates information from a set of particles.
scipion - import coordinates: Imports a set of coordinates into the project
spider - filter particles: Applies Fourier filters to an image(s) using Spider FQ or FQ NP programs.
xmipp3 - apply 2d mask: Applies a mask to a set of particles
xmipp3 - assignment tiltpair: From two sets of points (tilted and untilted) the protocol determines the affine transformation between these sets.
xmipp3 - auto-picking (step 2): Picks particles automatically in a set of micrographs using previous training
xmipp3 - break symmetry: Given an input set of particles with angular assignment, finds an equivalent angular assignment for a given symmetry. Be aware that input symmetry values follow Xmipp conventions
xmipp3 - calculator2D: Applies an operation to two sets of particles
xmipp3 - consensus picking: Estimates the agreement between different particle picking algorithms
xmipp3 - crop/resize particles: Crops or resizes a set of particles
xmipp3 - ctf_correct_wiener2d: Performs CTF correction by Wiener filtering
xmipp3 - denoise particles: Removes particles noise by filtering them. This filtering process is based on a projection over a basis created from some averages (extracted from classes). This filtering is not intended for processing particles. The huge filtering they will be passed through is known to remove part of the signal with the noise. However this is a good method for clearly see which particle are we going to process before it’s done.
xmipp3 - extract particle pairs: Extracts particles from a set of tilted pairs' coordinates
xmipp3 - extract particles: Extracts particles from a set of coordinates
xmipp3 - filter particles: Applies Fourier filters to a set of particles
xmipp3 - manual-picking (step 1): Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Xmipp, either manually or using supervised picking support
xmipp3 - movie extract particles: Extracts a set of particles from each frame of a set of movies
xmipp3 - preprocess particles: Preprocesses a set of particles. Can remove dust, normalize, apply threshold, etc.
xmipp3 - screen particles: Classifies particles according to their similarity to others in order to detect outliers
xmipp3 - tilt pairs particle picking: Picks particles in a set of untilted-tilted pairs of micrographs using Xmipp
shpire - cryolo picking (in development): Picks particles using a deep learning approach.
imagic - msa: Multivariate Statistical Analysis module of IMAGIC.
imagic - msa-classify: This classification protocol is a post-processor to the MSA.
relion - 2D classification: Wrapper around the Relion 2D classification program
scipion - alignment assign: Assigns the alignment calculated for a set of particles to another set
scipion - classes consensus: Compares two sets of 2D classes
spider - align apsr: Reference-free alignment (both translational and rotational) of an image series. Uses Spider AP SR command
spider - align pairwise: Reference-free alignment (both translational and rotational) of an image series. This alignment scheme aligns a pair of images at a time and then averages them. Then, the averages of each of those pairs are aligned and averaged, and then pairs of those pairs, etc. This type of alignment appears to be less random than does 'AP SR', which chooses seed images as alignment references.
spider - capca: Executes Correspondence Analysis (CA) or Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on image data using the Spider CA S program
spider - classify diday: Performs automatic clustering using Diday’s method and Hierarchical Ascendant Classification (HAC) using Ward’s criterion on factors produced by CA or PCA. Uses the Spider CL CLA program
spider - classify kmeans: Performs automatic K-Means clustering and classification on factors produced by CA or PCA. Uses the Spider CL KM program
spider - classify ward: Finds clusters of images/elements in factor space (or a selected subspace) by using Diday’s method of moving centers, and applies hierarchical ascendant classification (HAC) (using Ward’s method) to the resulting cluster centers. Uses the Spider CL HC program
spider - custom mask: Creates a custom mask using Spider
xmipp3 - align with cl2d: Aligns a set of particles using the CL2D algorithm of Xmipp
xmipp3 - apply alignment 2d: Applies alignment parameters and produce a new set of images
xmipp3 - cl2d: Classifies a set of images using a clustering algorithm to subdivide the original dataset into a given number of classes
xmipp3 - create 2d mask: Creates a 2D mask. The mask can be created with a given geometrical shape (Circle, Rectangle, Crown…) or it can be obtained from operating on a 2D image or a previous mask.
xmipp3 - kerdensom: Classifies a set of images using Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOM) and Fuzzy c-means clustering technique (FCM)
xmipp3 - ml2d: Performs a (multi-reference) 2D alignment using a maximum-likelihood target function
xmipp3 - rotational spectra: Computes the rotational spectrum of the given particles
xmipp3 - screen classes: Compares a set of classes or averages with the corresponding projections of a reference volume
atsas - convert PDB to SAXS curve: Converts a PDB file (true atoms or pseudoatoms) into a SAXS curve
cryoem_scipion - pseudoatoms: Produces one or several initial volumes using cryo-em pseudoatoms
eman2 - initial model: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2initialmodel.py program
eman2 - reconstruct: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2make3d.py program
eman2 - refine easy: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2refine_easy.py program
grigoriefflab - frealign: Refines a 3D map using Frealign.
grigoriefflab - frealign classify: Classifies in 3D using Frealign.
relion - 3D auto-refine: Refines a 3D map using Relion.
relion - 3D classification: Classifies in 3D using Relion.
relion - post-processing: Relion post-processing protocol for automated masking, overfitting estimation, MTF-correction and B-factor sharpening
relion - reconstruct: Reconstructs a volume from a given set of particles using Relion
resmap - local resolution: Computes the local resolution of 3D reconstructions
xmipp3 - MonoDir directional resolution : Computes the local-directional resolution of 3D reconstructions, degree of anisotropy, and posible angular assignment errors.
xmipp3 - MonoRes local resolution : Computes the local resolution of 3D reconstructions
simple - prime: Produces one or several initial volumes using the SIMPLE prime program
spider - reconstruct fourier: A simple reconstruction protocol using Fourier back projection. Uses the Spider BP 32F program
spider - refinement: Iterative reference-based refinement of particle orientations, based on the Spider AP SHC and AP REF programs (see here the details).
xmipp3 - align volume: Aligns a set of volumes using cross correlation or a Fast Fourier method
xmipp3 - align volume web: Aligns a set of volumes using cross correlation
xmipp3 - apply 3d mask: Applies a mask to a volume
xmipp3 - calculate strain: Compares two states of a volume to analyze the local strains and rotations
xmipp3 - calculator3D: Applies an operation to two sets of volumes
xmipp3 - cltomo: Averages a set of subtomograms taking into account the missing edge
xmipp3 - compare reprojections: Compares a set of classes or averages with the corresponding projections of a reference volume
xmipp3 - convert a PDB: Converts a PDB file to a volume.
xmipp3 - convert to pseudoatoms: Converts an EM volume into pseudoatoms
xmipp3 - create 3d mask: Creates a 3D mask. The mask can be created with a given geometrical shape (Sphere, Box, Cylinder…) or it can be obtained from operating on a 3D volume or a previous mask.
xmipp3 - crop/resize volumes: Crops or resizes a set of volumes
xmipp3 - filter volumes: Applies Fourier filters to a set of volumes
xmipp3 - helical symmetry: Estimates helical parameters and symmetries
xmipp3 - highres: 3D refinement protocol whose main input is a volume and a set of particles. The set of particles has to be at full size (the finer sampling rate available), but the rest of inputs (reference volume and masks) can be at any downsampling factor.
xmipp3 - multireference_aligneability: Performs soft alignment validation of a set of particles confronting them against a given 3DEM map. This protocol produces particle alignment precision and accuracy parameters.
xmipp3 - nma alignment: Flexible angular alignment
xmipp3 - nma dimred: Takes the images with NMA deformations as points in a N-dimensional space (where N is the number of computed normal modes) and projects them in a reduced space (usually with less dimensions).
xmipp3 - preprocess volumes: Xmipp-based volume preprocessing
xmipp3 - projection matching: 3D reconstruction and classification using multireference projection matching
xmipp3 - random conical tilt: Creates initial volumes by using a set of projections/classes from a tilted-pair picking process and using RCT algorithm
xmipp3 - ransac: Computes an initial 3D model from a set of projections/classes using RANSAC algorithm.
xmipp3 - reconstruct fourier: Reconstructs a volume from a given set of particles using the Xmipp Xmipp_reconstruct_fourier program
xmipp3 - reconstruct significant: Addresses the initial volume problem in SPA by setting it in a Weighted Least Squares framework and calculating the weights through a statistical approach based on the cumulative density function of different image similarity measures.
xmipp3 - resolution 3D: Computes resolution of 3D maps by several methods
xmipp3 - split volume: Splits a volume into two volumes
xmipp3 - validate tilt: Validates initial volumes by using a set of projections/classes from a tilted-pair picking process and using a RCT algorithm
xmipp3 - validate_nontilt: Ranks a set of volumes according to their alignment reliability obtained from a clusterability test
xmipp3 - align volume: Aligns a set of volumes using cross correlation or a Fast Fourier method
xmipp3 - align volume web: Aligns a set of volumes using cross correlation
xmipp3 - align with cl2d: Aligns a set of particles using the CL2D algorithm of Xmipp
xmipp3 - apply 2d mask: Applies a mask to a set of particles
xmipp3 - apply 3d mask: Applies a mask to a volume
xmipp3 - apply alignment 2d: Applies alignment parameters and produce a new set of images
xmipp3 - assignment tiltpair: From two sets of points (tilted and untilted) the protocol determines the affine transformation between these sets.
xmipp3 - auto-picking (step 2): Picks particles automatically in a set of micrographs using previous training
xmipp3 - break symmetry: Given an input set of particles with angular assignment, finds an equivalent angular assignment for a given symmetry. Be aware that input symmetry values follow Xmipp conventions
xmipp3 - calculate strain: Compares two states of a volume to analyze the local strains and rotations
xmipp3 - calculator2D: Applies an operation to two sets of particles
xmipp3 - calculator3D: Applies an operation to two sets of volumes
xmipp3 - cl2d: Classifies a set of images using a clustering algorithm
xmipp3 - cltomo: Averages a set of subtomograms taking into account the missing edge
xmipp3 - compare reprojections: Compares a set of classes or averages with the corresponding projections of a reference volume
xmipp3 - consensus picking: Estimates the agreement between different particle picking algorithms
xmipp3 - convert a PDB: Converts a PDB file to a volume
xmipp3 - convert to pseudoatoms: Converts an EM volume into pseudoatoms
xmipp3 - create 2d mask: Creates a 2D mask. The mask can be created with a given geometrical shape (Circle, Rectangle, Crown…) or it can be obtained from operating on a 2D image or a previous mask.
xmipp3 - create 3d mask: Creates a 3D mask. The mask can be created with a given geometrical shape (Sphere, Box, Cylinder…) or it can be obtained from operating on a 3D volume or a previous mask.
xmipp3 - crop/resize particles: Crops or resizes a set of particles
xmipp3 - crop/resize volumes: Crops or resizes a set of volumes
xmipp3 - ctf discrepancy: Estimates the agreement between different estimation of the CTF for the same set of micrographs.
xmipp3 - ctf estimation: Estimates the CTF on a set of micrographs using Xmipp 3.1
xmipp3 - ctf_correct_wiener2d: Performs CTF correction by Wiener filtering
xmipp3 - denoise particles: Removes particles noise by filtering them. This filtering process is based on a projection over a basis created from some averages (extracted from classes). This filtering is not intended for processing particles. The huge filtering they will be passed through is known to remove part of the signal with the noise. However this is a good method for clearly see which particle are we going to process before it’s done.
xmipp3 - extract particle pairs: Extracts particles from a set of tilted pairs' coordinates
xmipp3 - extract particles: Extracts particles from a set of coordinates
xmipp3 - filter particles: Applies Fourier filters to a set of particles
xmipp3 - filter volumes: Applies Fourier filters to a set of volumes
xmipp3 - helical symmetry: Estimates helical parameters and symmetries.
xmipp3 - highres: 3D refinement protocol whose main input is a volume and a set of particles. The set of particles has to be at full size (the finer sampling rate available), but the rest of inputs (reference volume and masks) can be at any downsampling factor.
xmipp3 - kerdensom: Classifies a set of images using Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOM) and Fuzzy c-means clustering technique (FCM)
xmipp3 - manual-picking (step 1): Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Xmipp, either manually or using supervised picking support
xmipp3 - ml2d: Performs a (multi-reference) 2D alignment using a maximum-likelihood target function
xmipp3 - movie alignment: Aligns movies, from direct detectors cameras, and sums them into micrographs
xmipp3 - movie extract particles: Extracts a set of particles from each frame of a set of movies.
xmipp3 - multireference_aligneability: Performs soft alignment validation of a set of particles confronting them against a given 3DEM map. This protocol produces particle alignment precision and accuracy parameters.
xmipp3 - nma alignment: Flexible angular alignment.
xmipp3 - nma analysis: Flexible angular alignment using normal modes
xmipp3 - nma cluster: Protocol executed when a cluster is created
xmipp3 - nma dimred: Takes the images with NMA deformations as points in a N-dimensional space (where N is the number of computed normal modes) and projects them in a reduced space (usually with less dimensions).
xmipp3 - preprocess micrographs: Preprocesses a set of micrographs. Can crop borders, remove bad pixels, etc.
xmipp3 - preprocess particles: Preprocesses a set of particles. Can remove dust, normalize, apply threshold, etc.
xmipp3 - preprocess volumes: Xmipp-based volume preprocessing
xmipp3 - projection matching: 3D reconstruction and classification using multireference projection matching
xmipp3 - random conical tilt: Creates initial volumes by using a set of projections/classes from a tilted-pair picking process and using RCT algorithm
xmipp3 - ransac: Computes an initial 3D model from a set of projections/classes using RANSAC algorithm.
xmipp3 - reconstruct fourier: Reconstructs a volume from a given set of particles using the Xmipp Xmipp_reconstruct_fourier program
xmipp3 - reconstruct significant: Addresses the initial volume problem in SPA by setting it in a Weighted Least Squares framework and calculating the weights through a statistical approach based on the cumulative density function of different image similarity measures.
xmipp3 - resolution 3D: Computes resolution of 3D maps by several methods
xmipp3 - rotational spectra: Computes the rotational spectrum of the given particles
xmipp3 - screen classes: Compares a set of classes or averages with the corresponding projections of a reference volume
xmipp3 - screen particles: Classifies particles according to their similarity to the others in order to detect outliers
xmipp3 - split volume: Splits a volume into two volumes
xmipp3 - tilt pairs particle picking: Picks particles in a set of untilted-tilted pairs of micrographs using Xmipp
xmipp3 - validate tilt: Validates initial volumes by using a set of projections/classes from a tilted-pair picking process and using a RCT algorithm
xmipp3 - validate_nontilt: Ranks a set of volumes according to their alignment reliability obtained from a clusterability test
xmipp3 - localdeblur sharpening: Given a resolution map the protocol calculate the sharpened map.
scipion - alignment assign: Assigns the alignment calculated for a set of particles to another set
scipion - classes consensus: Compares two sets of 2D classes
scipion - create mask: Creates a custom mask
scipion - create subset: Creates subsets from the GUI
scipion - ctf assign: Assigns a CTF estimation to a particular set of particles producing a new set.
scipion - extract coordinates: Extracts the coordinates information from a set of particles.
scipion - import averages: Imports a set of averages into the project
scipion - import coordinates: Imports a set of coordinates into the project
scipion - import ctf: Imports a set of CTFs into the project
scipion - import mask: Imports masks from existing files into the project
scipion - import micrographs: Imports a set of micrographs into the project
scipion - import movies: Imports a set of movies (from direct detector cameras) into the project
scipion - import particles: Imports a set of particles into the project
scipion - import pdb volumes: Imports a set of PDB volumes into the project
scipion - import tilted micrographs: Imports untilted-tilted pairs of micrographs into the project
scipion - import volumes: Imports a set of volumes into the project
scipion - parallel test: A parallel test protocol.
scipion - split sets: Splits a set into two or more subsets.
scipion - subset: Creates a set with the elements of an original set that are also referenced in another set.
scipion - join sets: Joins two or more sets of images.
spider - align apsr: Reference-free alignment (both translational and rotational) of an image series. Uses Spider AP SR command
spider - align pairwise: Reference-free alignment (both translational and rotational) of an image series. This alignment scheme aligns a pair of images at a time and then averages them. Then, the averages of each of those pairs are aligned and averaged, and then pairs of those pairs, etc. This type of alignment appears to be less random than does 'AP SR', which chooses seed images as alignment references.
spider - capca: Executes Correspondence Analysis (CA) or Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on image data using the Spider CA S program
spider - classify diday: Performs automatic clustering using Diday’s method and Hierarchical Ascendant Classification (HAC) using Ward’s criterion on factors produced by CA or PCA. Uses the Spider CL CLA program
spider - classify kmeans: Performs automatic K-Means clustering and classification on factors produced by CA or PCA. Uses the Spider CL KM program
spider - classify ward: Finds clusters of images/elements in factor space (or a selected subspace) by using Diday’s method of moving centers, and applies hierarchical ascendant classification (HAC) (using Ward’s method) to the resulting cluster centers. Uses the Spider CL HC program
spider - custom mask: Creates a custom mask using Spider
spider - filter particles: Applies Fourier filters to an image or volume using the Spider FQ or FQ NP programs.
spider - reconstruct fourier: A simple reconstruction protocol using Fourier back projection. Uses the Spider BP 32F program
spider - refinement: Iterative reference-based refinement of particle orientations, based on the Spider AP SHC and AP REF programs (see here the details).
relion - 2D classification: Wrapper around the Relion 2D classification program
relion - 3D auto-refine: Refines a 3D map using Relion.
relion - 3D classification: Classifies in 3D using Relion.
relion - auto-picking (step 1): This Relion protocol uses 2D class averages as templates to run the auto-picking. In this first stage, the auto-picking will be run just in few micrographs to optimize two main parameters: Picking threshold and Minimum inter-particle distance. It will write out so-called FOM maps: two large (micrograph-sized) files per reference.
relion - auto-picking (step 2): This Relion protocol uses 2D class averages as templates to run the auto-picking. In this second stage, the protocol reads the FOM maps to optimize the Threshold and Minimum inter-particle distance.
relion - particle polishing: Tracks particle movement in movie frames, applies a resolution and dose-dependent weighting scheme for each frame and finally sums them together.
relion - post-processing: Relion post-processing protocol for automated masking, overfitting estimation, MTF-correction and B-factor sharpening
relion - preprocess particles: Wrapper around the Relion preprocess program
relion - reconstruct: Reconstructs a volume from a given set of particles using Relion
eman2 - boxer: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using the EMAN2 e2boxer.py program
eman2 - initial model: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2initialmodel.py program
eman2 - reconstruct: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2make3d.py program
eman2 - refine easy: Wrapper around the EMAN2 e2refine_easy.py program
eman2 - sparx gaussian picker: Picks particles automatically in a set of micrographs using Sparx gaussian picker
grigoriefflab - Summovie: Generates frame sums that can be used in subsequent image processing steps and optionally applies an exposure-dependent filter to maximize the signal at all resolutions in the frame averages.
grigoriefflab - Unblur: Aligns the frames of movies recorded on direct detector cameras to reduce image blurring caused by beam-induced motion.
grigoriefflab - ctffind: Estimates CTF on a set of micrographs using either ctffind3 or ctffind4 program.
grigoriefflab - frealign: Refines a 3D map using Frealign.
grigoriefflab - frealign classify: Classifies in 3D using Frealign.
imagic - msa: Multivariate Statistical Analysis module of IMAGIC.
imagic - msa-classify: This classification protocol is a post-processor to the MSA.
bsoft - bfilter: Wrapper around the Bsoft bfilter program
bsoft - particle picking: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Bsoft
gctf - CTF estimation on GPU: Estimates CTF on a set of micrographs
appion - dogpicker: Picks particles in a set of micrographs using Appion dogpicker
emxlib - emx export: Exports micrographs, coordinates, or particles to EMX format
resmap - local resolution: Computes the local resolution of 3D reconstructions
simple - prime: Produces one or several initial volumes using the SIMPLE prime program
igbmc - auto-picking: gEMpicker is a GPU-driven template-based particle picking program that uses cross-correlation approach.
cryoem_scipion - pseudoatoms: Produces one or several initial volumes using cryo-em pseudoatoms
atsas - convert PDB to SAXS curve: Protocol for converting a PDB file (true atoms or pseudoatoms) into a SAXS curve
gautomatch - auto-picking: Gautomatch is a GPU accelerated program for fully automatic particle picking.
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