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Switch to texlive 2024.
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kmccurley committed Aug 30, 2024
1 parent 74e8433 commit d0fa886
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 12 deletions.
20 changes: 8 additions & 12 deletions webapp/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,41 +8,37 @@ RUN apt-get update -q \
&& apt-get install -qy build-essential wget libfontconfig1 fonts-font-awesome zip \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install TexLive 2023. See
RUN echo "Building with documentation: $DOCFILES" && \
echo "Building with sources: $SRCFILES" && \
echo "Building with scheme: $SCHEME"; \
wget; \
mkdir install-tl-unx; \
tar -xvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz -C install-tl-unx --strip-components=1; \
# Install texlive 2024.
RUN wget
RUN mkdir install-tl-unx
RUN tar -xvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz -C install-tl-unx --strip-components=1; \
echo "selected_scheme scheme-$SCHEME" >> install-tl-unx/texlive.profile && \
if [ "$DOCFILES" = "no" ]; then echo "tlpdbopt_install_docfiles 0" >> install-tl-unx/texlive.profile; fi && \
if [ "$SRCFILES" = "no" ]; then echo "tlpdbopt_install_srcfiles 0" >> install-tl-unx/texlive.profile; fi && \
install-tl-unx/install-tl -repository -profile install-tl-unx/texlive.profile; \
install-tl-unx/install-tl -profile install-tl-unx/texlive.profile; \
rm -r install-tl-unx; rm install-tl-unx.tar.gz

ENV PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux:${PATH}"
ENV PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux:${PATH}"
# Search for cryptobib after of current directory.
ENV BIBINPUTS=".:/home/texlive/texmf/tex/latex/iacrcc"

# Install latex packages
# NOTE: minted requires a shell escape, and is not supported.
# TODO: Remove this later
RUN tlmgr install mwe orcidlink llncs
RUN tlmgr install latexmk multirow xstring hyperxmp ifmtarg sectsty biblatex lastpage fancyvrb floatrow caption float lineno microtype tocloft sttools relsize import enumitem xargs ieeetran comment pgfplots pgf-blur calculator todonotes adjustbox collectbox currfile gincltex svn-prov filemod biber tikzscale pbox forloop varwidth bigfoot environ ntheorem breakcites ifoddpage bbm cleveref bbm-macros blindtext tcolorbox pdfcol doublestroke paralist glossaries mfirstuc xfor datatool mdframed zref needspace lipsum placeins thmtools tocbibind mmap qtree pict2e tree-dvips braket qcircuit xypic dashbox was threeparttable booktabs cases ascmac cancel autonum etextools textpos everypage apptools boxedminipage chngcntr framed hanging ncctools tablefootnote xifthen subfigure tikz-cd appendix diagbox makecell ifsym capt-of bbold esvect totcount supertabular fifo-stack tikzmark fixmath here tabu hyphenat wrapfig changepage cjhebrew luabidi endnotes xurl seqsplit newunicodechar minibox mathabx quantikz lettrine minifp bbding fontawesome5 tabto-ltx xpatch marginnote morefloats yfonts tabulary pdfsync csquotes printlen csvsimple kantlipsum babel-greek datetime2 spverbatim subfiles version rotfloat ellipsis calrsfs tkz-euclide imakeidx academicons anyfontsize scalerel titlesec fixme blkarray circuitikz multibib sidecap mathalpha outlines graphbox eqparbox epigraph nextpage gensymb newtx dblfloatfix spath3 stmaryrd
RUN tlmgr install acronym tikz-qtree lkproof layouts totpages tikz-timing pgfopts esint ltablex acro translations breakurl msc picture accsupp accessibility axessibility nag quoting mleftright subdepth tikzpeople stackengine savesym
RUN tlmgr install dashrule transparent numprint moresize tasks shipunov sauerj verbatimbox readarray changes truncate fmtcount contour sourcecodepro sourcesanspro sourceserifpro cjk biblatex-trad biblatex-ext marginfix sidenotes doclicense ccicons leftidx tokcycle
# install some fonts
RUN tlmgr install fandol noto arphic-ttf dutchcal notomath ascii-font eulervm asana-math sfmath svrsymbols cm-unicode libertine inconsolata simpleicons
RUN tlmgr install collection-bibtexextra alphalph cellspace tikzfill listingsutf8
RUN tlmgr install eepic rsfso cbfonts fontawesome threeparttablex bibexport catchfile nomencl mnsymbol arydshln
RUN tlmgr install upquote urwchancal
RUN tlmgr install upquote urwchancal tagpdf

# people use pdfpages to bypass uploading LaTeX.
RUN tlmgr remove -force pdfpages pdfjam
COPY compiler/LatexMk /etc
# Use this for wide log lines.
# COPY compiler/texmf.cnf /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf.cnf
# COPY compiler/texmf.cnf /usr/local/texlive/2024/texmf.cnf

RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash texlive
# The :33 is to ensure that texlive has the same numeric GID as the www-data group,
Expand Down

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