A lot of times, public SAML applications are hard to come by. Free options are usually are harder to come by. This application can be used for development or demonstration purposes with any SAML identity provider to be used to test new access policies, attribute mappings, and SSO configurations.
When a login attempt is successful, you will be able to view the name identitifier, all attributes, and groups that were received. Additionally, we provide the raw SAML assertion for more advanced debugging.
You will do all the configuration of the application through the UI so there is no need to configure anything before hand.
- You will need an IBM Security Verify tenant or another Identity Provider that supports SAML.
- To run locally, you will need to install NodeJS.
- Optionally, install yarn by running
npm i yarn
in your terminal window. - Note: You will only need Yarn in case you want to modify the application, otherwise, node is all that is necessary.
- Optionally, install yarn by running
- It's import to clone this repo to keep it in sync, otherwise you can simply download the zip file from GitHub.
In the directory where you want the repo clone directory to be created, run this command:
git clone https://github.com/ajcase/CI-SAML-Sample
Go into the CI-SAML-Sample
directory and install required packages:
cd CI-SAML-Sample
npm install
Note: If you are using Catalina, you may encounter errors with the error message "No XCode or CLT version detected". Following this guide helps resolve that issue: https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/gyp-no-xcode-or-clt-version-detected-macos-catalina-anansewaa-38b536389e8d
The .env file is already created for you. However, in case you want to modify the paramters for production hosting then you can modify the URL, port, and entity ID for the SAML service provider configuration.
Edit the .env file and complete to your needs:
If you want to support SSL then set REACT_APP_HTTPS=true
. If you want to disable the setup after first use, then set REACT_APP_SHOWSETUP=false
so others cannot modify the SSO configuration.
Save the file and close the editor.
Start the application by running the command:
If using NPM:
npm start
If using yarn:
yarn start
Navigate to the http://localhost:3006 to begin
You will need to exchange information between your identity provider and the application.
Click the Setup tile to get started.
In IBM Security Verify Admin Console, create a new custom application.
On the General tab:
- Set the
Company name
toSample App
On the Sign on tab:
- Choose
- On the right side instructions, copy the following parameters from the Configure Third party SaaS application as the service provider (SP) section.
Login URL
Logout URL
Signing certificate
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDOjCCAiKgAwIBAgIEfA/06DANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBfMQkwBwYDVQQGEwAx CTAHBgNVBAgTADEJMAcGA1UEBxMAMQkwBwYDVQQKEwAxCTAHBgNVBAsTADEmMCQG A1UEAxMdY2FzZXNlY3VyaXR5LmljZS5pYm1jbG91ZC5jb20wHhcNMTgwNzA3MTc1 MTU5WhcNMjgwNzA0MTc1MTU5WjBfMQkwBwYDVQQGEwAxCTAHBgNVBAgTADEJMAcG A1UEBxMAMQkwBwYDVQQKEwAxCTAHBgNVBAsTADEmMCQGA1UEAxMdY2FzZXNlY3Vy aXR5LmljZS5pYm1jbG91ZC5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEK AoIBAQDC2K9xO1IAzk/Jm/Kj9sIvxPDQi0JzHhwBa/Scn71sey8BQId9URAIy6ps RKFe6kATznWiBMsDq5dMgimxUUYq5g6/73KYjp45AxQOUe1bd1OgS9YH26bCedpz ZMZ8c0xVXmyDkpn+2I/KHhqQ5uUugTmZA1po6yQEPauQvgP8zCUOQe2x3enGT6us Hr8pRa0GMnwvgQpoTg8G8xISeVxLxSOG7YhzDDs80Sf7XTh2Ow+ZYJ9eHnQk/5PC 7+Qn5bpqRnsy2eGhfq0lqED/k3mJnbX1GmrBD+yKgrNMZCZE2JUXRv15bqoebnAg s2lOXUYpAMVfK9d5GtpG9BxTLvSLAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAEzw V120BI3QC4LBUMtrEXpTjqyBF/XwYk4o0hdJpC66JG98slaIa0CsJaCl0aNlvwUz tA8FlbiZX2V/cqhN+N+faXq5+LuTzE6ngwheMt8XiGy93Soa2AyrfZQb1nfN27bL l9/5krCG6AuhJVddlElvFmE9yMYPGjMNlpdDwnzpktrhn798ZTv4vGXufg344O8h Y+NhoW6kefGTLvko4LaRLHlxJJQSkYfF4yAC02xsy33m5lX1hPt7StRAhI3WA7ow KXM4ZdeJLQBRdiC33OLDFO2lYH44LKfZcqg9tNVz8ByLB6coY6SdIFihtkdAGUyX 4qigEuvcHF+HX7jxWDM= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
- Provide these parameters to the input boxes provided in the first step. Click Next when all paramters have been entered.
This page contains the few paramters needed to provide to your identity provider. Provide each of these into the corresponding fields within your identity provider.
Copy the Entity ID (otherwise known as Provider ID in some Identity Providers)
Copy the Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS)
Copy the Single Sign-On (SSO) URL
- Download the metadata for import into your identity provider (if it supports this method)
(Optional) Advanced settings that may be necessary, but not for IBM Security Verify:
- Allow unencrypted session:
- Name ID Format:
- Force Authn:
- Authentication Method:
Ex. IBM Security Verify Configuration
After saving the configuration, you'll be able to test the login flow. When clicking on the login button, an SP-intiated login request will occur.
Upon a successful login, you will now see a "View Profile" option on the homepage. Click this to view the full profile, groups, and raw SAML assertion.