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Update from Beta V2 to Beta V3 and transfer data

Niels Korschinsky edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Breaking changes


  • Removal of some unused IDs (moved into fields, deleted in later Retention Policy stages).
  • Table vsnap_pools: Changed the type of absolute resource values from bytes to megabytes to avoid overflow.
  • Implements Continuous Queries and Retention Policy, breaking every single InfluxDB table Old data will be lost if no action is taken! You may transfer the data by completing the transfer steps below.


  • Implementing Continuous Queries and Retention Policy
  • Greatly limiting the long term data usage
  • lots of bug-fixes
  • greatly improved performance when requesting job logs
  • Identical executions of SPPMon are now prevented. It is still possible to run multiple servers with the same arguments or the same server with different arguments.
  • New Dashboards:
    • 14 Day overview for the shot-term state
    • 90 / Infinite Overview, toggleable for long term trend view and long term storage
    • Multiple Server overview by a variable. It is possible to select servers as you wish to!
    • Alerts are available per server. The template is automatically created by executing SPPMon with the --create_dashboard arg!
    • Check out your InfluxDB, SPP, and SPPMon version via the dashboard.

Transfer steps

Optional/Recommended: Stop all cron-executions (comment)

  1. Edit the .config file, alter only the database name: database_name_1 -> database_name_2

  2. Run SPPMon with ONLY following args: --cfg=path/to/file --transfer_data --old_database=database_name_1

  3. Check if there was a error when transfering. If yes, repeat once, if it still exists, reach out to me!

  4. Execute SPPMon with following args: --cfg=path/to/file --create_dashboard --dashboard_folder_path=../Grafana/

  5. Import the new dashboard created into Grafana.

    Make sure your data source name is the same as the database name!

  6. Import the other 90/Inf-Dashboard into Grafana.

  7. Test everything very detailed. Make sure your data exists in all 3 time-areas.

  8. Once finished, delete the old database database_name_1 :

    1. Log in: influx -host -ssl -unsafeSsl -username=username -password=password
    2. DROP DATABASE database_name_1

OPTIONAL: Get the old database name back

  1. Edit the .config file back to the old DB name: database_name_2 -> database_name_1
  2. Repeat Step 2, 3 and 6, now use --old_database=database_name_2. Delete the DB afterwards by following step 8with DROP DATABASE database_name_2

re-enable cron jobs (uncomment)


The new dashboards have three different time views. The 90day and Infinite are integrated within a single Dashboard, toggleable via variable. 14days (regular) 90days (1d/6h grouped) Infinite (1w grouped)

Also, there is a multiple server overview of the last 14 days.

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