Files and documentation for WindPACT reference models. The report for the models is here [2].
The WindPACT models were a set of reference wind turbine models that were made as part of a scaling study in the early 2000s [1]. These models were implemented in FAST v7 and v8 so that researchers might use the models [2].
The directory currently contains
- Excel design files that contain the original design calculations from the WindPACT study that were used to calculate the FAST parameters,
- FAST v7 and v8 input files for the four reference models, and
- modal analysis results from Modes v2.22.
For issues, questions, or concerns, contact Jenni Rinker at [email protected].
[1] Malcolm, D. J., and A. C. Hansen. "WindPACT turbine rotor
design study." National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,
CO 5 (2002).
[2] Rinker, J. and K. Dykes. "WindPACT reference wind
turbines." National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,
CO (2018). Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5000-67667. Link