This is a soldering workshop designed for beginners to put together a stylophone, a music-making device that outputs via a buzzer.
- Programming the board requires make to be installed and available via bash. Files to download make can be found here:
- Windows:
- Unix:
- Programming is also reliant on a ICSP 6-pin programming board. For for these purposes, we are using an arduino nano and a customized breakout board to act as a programmer. These instructions can be found here: ____________________.
- The Makefile assumes you are targeting an ATMega328P, the microcontroller this is targeted for.
- Download the directory labeled "Programming" and navigate to it.
- Find the COM port that the programmer is connected to. Replace the COMX on line 2 of the Makefile with the port that the programmer is connected to.
... -c stk500v1 -P COMX -b 19200 -U ...
- Using terminal in the same folder, type