Please Note:
- The IGEL App Creator portal runs the IGEL SDK to create and sign your application for OS12
- For security requirements, the IGEL App Creator Portal only allows for debian and ubuntu official repository URLs. Use the file upload feature to add file.
- For OS 12.5.0+ need to have the app
Compatibility layer for 12.0.x apps
installed - UMS Web App - Apps Settings:
Download from UMS
and do not setBlock devices from downloading apps from the public App Portal as a fallback option
unless there is no internet access from OS 12 devices
NOTE: The IGEL SDK is not needed for creating recipes. The IGEL SDK Reference Manual provides details on files and format of files used in recipes.
IGEL Community Docs: HOWTO GitHub with Microsoft Visual Studio Code
- IGEL App Creator Portal – the straightforward way to secure and deploy your third-party apps to IGEL OS12
- IGEL KB: IGEL App Creator Portal
- IGEL KB: Upload and Assign Files in the IGEL UMS Web App - Classification - App signing certificate