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We will learn how to design screens by using FlexBox to create our Layout. Once we understand basic Flexbox, we will design our first Form screen to create Restaurants and secondly, to create Products.

0. Setup

Clone template repository and download your copy. Once you should setup your .env file so API_BASE_URL points to your server. For instance API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000.

You have to run the backend server as well. Go to your backend project folder and run npm install (if needed) and npm start.

You can then run npm install and npm start. Check that the base project is working.

It is important to notice that this base project includes:

  • Previous labs solved.
  • Added button to create restaurant, and navigates to CreateRestaurantScreen.
  • Added button to create product, and navigates to CreateProductScreen.
  • An InputItem component that renders forms inputs, labels and manages errors.

Keep in mind that to make some API requests, it is needed to be logged-in. So confirm that you can log-in with some owner user. The provided user-seeder at the backend creates an owner with the following credentials:

Once the user is logged in, the bearer token is used in every request.

1. GUI Design

1.1. Flexbox

React native components use Flexbox algorithm to define the layout of its children. Flexbox is also available in standard CSS styles definition for web interfaces.

For instance, within a View component we can include some children, such as Text, Pressable, Image, InputItems or nested View. The parent View can define the Flexbox behaviour of these children (children of these children do not inherit these properties). The most common properties to be defined are:

  • flexDirection which can take two values: column (default) if we want its children to render vertically or row if we want them to be rendered horizontally. Check
  • justifyContent which can take the following values:
    • flex-start (default). The contents are distributed at the start of the primary axis (the flex direction determines the primary and secondary axis)
    • center. The contents are distributed at the center.
    • flex-end. The contents are distributed at the end.
    • space-around and space-between so the contentes are distributed evenly.
  • alignItems define how the content will be aligned along the secondary axis (depending on the flexDirection)
    • flex-start,
    • center,
    • flex-end,
    • stretch (default) contents will be stretched to fill the space available

You can experiment with these properties and values at the following example:

Please, take your time to understand the behaviour of Flexbox algorithm.

There are some more properties that defines the Flexbox algorithm behaviour, you can learn more at:

1.2. Views as containers

Usually we will define a general container for our components. This container will usually be a View component and it will determine the Flexbox behaviour of its children and the size, margins etc where we will render our elements. Notice that the return statement must include one and only one root element. For instance this return statement would be wrong:

return (
    <Text>Some text</Text>
    <Text>Some other text</Text>

To fix this, we must include a parent element to those siblings,for instance the empty tag <>:

return (
      <Text>Some text</Text>
      <Text>Some other text</Text>

Let's start designing the CreateRestaurantScreen.js.

  1. Include a <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
  2. Insert some <InputItem name='sampleInput' label='Sample input' />
  3. Check results.

You will notice that the input items are arranged from top to bottom, full width.

  1. Let's modify our container, so it does not fill all the horizontal space, just 60%. To this end we will create a nested view width 60%: <View style={{ width: '60%' }}>
  2. Check results
  3. Include a Pressable button after the set of inputs.
  4. Check results.

The following code snippet, includes all the previous steps:

export default function CreateRestaurantScreen () {
  return (
    <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
      <View style={{ width: '60%' }}>
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        label='Sample input'
        onPress={() => console.log('Button pressed')
        style={({ pressed }) => [
            backgroundColor: pressed
              ? GlobalStyles.brandPrimaryTap
              : GlobalStyles.brandPrimary
        <TextRegular textStyle={styles.text}>
          Create restaurant

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    borderRadius: 8,
    height: 40,
    padding: 10,
    width: '100%',
    marginTop: 20,
    marginBottom: 20
  text: {
    fontSize: 16,
    color: GlobalStyles.brandSecondary,
    textAlign: 'center'

You may ask yourself: why was it needed to include two nested views? The reason is that the first view defines that its children have to be centered. You can check what happens if we declare just a view with both properties: <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', width: '60%' }}>. Layout definition can be quite tricky sometimes, and various solutions can be found: for instance there is another property named alignSelf, that could have been used to this end.

1.3. ScrollViews

Insert more InputItems so they exceed the vertical space available. Notice that you cannot scroll down to see them all. Views are not scrollable. To this end we have to use the <ScrollView> component. Add a new <ScrollView> parent and check results. Scrolling should be enabled.

Note: Some components are an extension of ScrollView component. For instance, FlatList inherits the properties of ScrollView, but load contents lazily (when you have to render lots of elements, FlatList will be a more performant solution than ScrollView).

2. Forms

Forms are the way of alowing users to submit data from the frontend GUI to the backend. This is needed to create new elements of our entities. In order to create and mantain the state of the form, we will use a third party component: <Formik>.

Formik manages the state of the inputs within the form, and can apply validation rules to them. Formik component needs to be initialized with the names and initial values of the inputs of the form.

We will learn more about Formik in the next lab. In this lab you just have to add the following parent element in the return sentence of the screens that include a form:

import { Formik } from 'formik'

export default function CreateRestaurantScreen () {
  const initialRestaurantValues = { name: null, description: null, address: null, postalCode: null, url: null, shippingCosts: null, email: null, phone: null, restaurantCategoryId: null }

  // Rest of the code of this component
  // ...

  return (
      {({ setFieldValue, values }) => (
          <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
            <View style={{ width: '60%' }}>

              {/* Any other inputs */}


Forms present to the user various input fields. The most popular are:

  • Text inputs: where user introduces some kind of text. It is usually the most general input, we can use it so users can include information such as: names, surnames, emails, descriptions, urls, addresses, prices, postal codes or telephones. You have been provided the src/components/InputItem.js component that returns: a) a TextInput, b) a label for the input and c) some elements needed for validation that we will use in the next lab.
  • Image/File pickers: where user can select an image/file from its gallery or file system in order to upload them.
  • Select/Dropdown: where users can select a value for a field from a given set of options. Typical use cases includes: select some category from the ones that exist, select some status value from a given set of possible values.
  • Switches: where user is asked between two options that are typically send as a boolean.

2.1 CreateRestaurant Form

2.1.1 Text inputs

Modify the CreateRestaurantScreen so the user is presented with the needed text inputs for the creation of new restaurants including:

  • name
  • description
  • address
  • postalCode
  • url
  • shippingCosts
  • email
  • phone

Notice that InputItem can receive the following properties:

  • name: the name of the field. It has to match the name of the field expected at the backend.
  • label: the text presented to the user so it will be rendered among the text input.
  • Other properties: any other property available for the react-native TextInputcomponent. For instance, the placeholder property will render a hint in the input so the user can better understand what kind of value is expected. You can see the full TextInput reference at:

2.1.2 Image pickers

Restaurants can be created including some images, the logo and the heroImage which is an image that is rendered as background in the RestaurantDetailScreen. To this end, expo SDK includes some tools. For more info you can check the expo documentation:

To include an image picker for the restaurant logo follow these steps:

  1. Add import sentences for the needed library ExpoImagePicker, some components, and some default images:

    import { Image, Platform, Pressable, ScrollView, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
    import * as ExpoImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'
    import restaurantLogo from '../../../assets/restaurantLogo.jpeg'
    import restaurantBackground from '../../../assets/restaurantBackground.jpeg'
  2. Include a useEffect hook to obtain permissions from the device to access to the media gallery (it is needed for iOS and Android).

      useEffect(() => {
        (async () => {
          if (Platform.OS !== 'web') {
            const { status } = await ExpoImagePicker.requestMediaLibraryPermissionsAsync()
            if (status !== 'granted') {
              alert('Sorry, we need camera roll permissions to make this work!')
      }, [])
  3. Include a new pressable element including a text for the label and an image for visualizing selected image. Once we press and select an image, we will store its contents in the state variable by using the setLogo function. You can use the following code snippet:

    <Pressable onPress={() =>
        async result => {
          await setFieldValue('logo', result)
      <TextRegular>Logo: </TextRegular>
      <Image style={styles.image} source={values.logo ? { uri: values.logo.assets[0].uri } : restaurantLogo} />
  4. Notice that onPress calls the pickImagemethod. This method is in charge of launching the selection interface for picking an image. This is the proposed code extracted from the ExpoImagePicker component documentation:

    const pickImage = async (onSuccess) => {
      const result = await ExpoImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
        mediaTypes: ExpoImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images,
        allowsEditing: true,
        aspect: [1, 1],
        quality: 1
      if (!result.canceled) {
        if (onSuccess) {
  5. Finally, we can include some styling:

    imagePicker: {
      height: 40,
      paddingLeft: 10,
      marginTop: 20,
      marginBottom: 80
    image: {
      width: 100,
      height: 100,
      borderWidth: 1,
      alignSelf: 'center',
      marginTop: 5

2.1.4. CreateRestaurantScreen.js

Click here to check the complete CreateRestaurantScreen component:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { Image, Platform, Pressable, ScrollView, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
import * as ExpoImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'
import { MaterialCommunityIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons'

import { getRestaurantCategories } from '../../api/RestaurantEndpoints'
import InputItem from '../../components/InputItem'
import TextRegular from '../../components/TextRegular'
import * as GlobalStyles from '../../styles/GlobalStyles'
import restaurantLogo from '../../../assets/restaurantLogo.jpeg'
import restaurantBackground from '../../../assets/restaurantBackground.jpeg'
import { showMessage } from 'react-native-flash-message'
import { Formik } from 'formik'

export default function CreateRestaurantScreen () {
  const initialRestaurantValues = { name: null, description: null, address: null, postalCode: null, url: null, shippingCosts: null, email: null, phone: null, restaurantCategoryId: null }

  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      if (Platform.OS !== 'web') {
        const { status } = await ExpoImagePicker.requestMediaLibraryPermissionsAsync()
        if (status !== 'granted') {
          alert('Sorry, we need camera roll permissions to make this work!')
  }, [])

  const pickImage = async (onSuccess) => {
    const result = await ExpoImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
      mediaTypes: ExpoImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images,
      allowsEditing: true,
      aspect: [1, 1],
      quality: 1
    if (!result.canceled) {
      if (onSuccess) {

  return (
      {({ setFieldValue, values }) => (
          <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
            <View style={{ width: '60%' }}>
                label='Postal code:'
                label='Shipping costs:'

              <Pressable onPress={() =>
                  async result => {
                    await setFieldValue('logo', result)
                <TextRegular>Logo: </TextRegular>
                <Image style={styles.image} source={values.logo ? { uri: values.logo.assets[0].uri } : restaurantLogo} />

              <Pressable onPress={() =>
                  async result => {
                    await setFieldValue('heroImage', result)
                <TextRegular>Hero image: </TextRegular>
                <Image style={styles.image} source={values.heroImage ? { uri: values.heroImage.assets[0].uri } : restaurantBackground} />

                onPress={() => console.log('Submit pressed')}
                style={({ pressed }) => [
                    backgroundColor: pressed
                      ? GlobalStyles.brandSuccessTap
                      : GlobalStyles.brandSuccess
              <View style={[{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }]}>
                <MaterialCommunityIcons name='content-save' color={'white'} size={20}/>
                <TextRegular textStyle={styles.text}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    borderRadius: 8,
    height: 40,
    padding: 10,
    width: '100%',
    marginTop: 20,
    marginBottom: 20
  text: {
    fontSize: 16,
    color: 'white',
    textAlign: 'center',
    marginLeft: 5
  imagePicker: {
    height: 40,
    paddingLeft: 10,
    marginTop: 20,
    marginBottom: 80
  image: {
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    borderWidth: 1,
    alignSelf: 'center',
    marginTop: 5

2.2. CreateProduct Form

Now, follow and adapt the steps given for the CreateRestaurantScreen component in order to create a new product for a selected restaurant. Complete the CreateProductScreen.js component. Remember the needed properties when creating a product:

  • name,
  • description,
  • price,
  • image,
  • order (remember, we can define the position where each product will be in the returned product list when querying restaurant details),
  • productCategory,
  • availability

3. Other form input components

Restaurants and products can belong to some categories. Include a select input to allow the user to select from available values of RestaurantCategories and from valid statuses when creating a new restaurant.

3.1 Select/Dropdown picker

React native does not provide a Dropdown picker component, so we will use a third party component. You can check the documentation at:

In the CreateRestaurantScreen form we will use the dropdown to select the restaurant category.

Remember that the options of DropDownPicker are a list of pairs value/label. For instance the restaurant categories would be the pair value: restaurantCategoryId, label: restaurantCategoryName.

In order to populate the options of the DropDownPicker we need:

  1. Import the DropDownPickercomponent:

    import DropDownPicker from 'react-native-dropdown-picker'
  2. A state to store the restaurant categories:

    const [restaurantCategories, setRestaurantCategories] = useState([])
  3. A boolean state to set if the option list of the DropDownPicker are visible or not:

    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
  4. A useEffect hook to retrieve the restaurant categories from backend:

    useEffect(() => {
      async function fetchRestaurantCategories () {
        try {
          const fetchedRestaurantCategories = await getRestaurantCategories()
          const fetchedRestaurantCategoriesReshaped = => {
            return {
        } catch (error) {
            message: `There was an error while retrieving restaurant categories. ${error} `,
            type: 'error',
            style: GlobalStyles.flashStyle,
            titleStyle: GlobalStyles.flashTextStyle
    }, [])
  5. Finally, we have to add the component in the return sentence of the CreateRestaurantScreen component. Find below a code snippet to add a DropDownPicker component for restaurant categories:

      onSelectItem={ item => {
        setFieldValue('restaurantCategoryId', item.value)
      placeholder="Select the restaurant category"
      containerStyle={{ height: 40, marginTop: 20 }}
      style={{ backgroundColor: GlobalStyles.brandBackground }}
      dropDownStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#fafafa' }}

Similarly, when creating a new product, include a select input to select from ProductCategories.

3.2. Switch

Moreover, products can be available or not, we can add a radio or switch control to the CreateProduct Form. React native provides a Switch component. You can check the documentation at:

First, you have to add the Switch component to the import statement of the react-native components:

import { Image, Platform, Pressable, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Switch, View } from 'react-native'

Find below a code snippet for including a Switch component for the product availability:

<TextRegular style={styles.switch}>Is it available?</TextRegular>
  trackColor={{ false: GlobalStyles.brandSecondary, true: GlobalStyles.brandPrimary }}
  thumbColor={values.availability ? GlobalStyles.brandSecondary : '#f4f3f4'}
  onValueChange={value =>
    setFieldValue('availability', value)

And you can add some styling to your StyleSheet:

switch: {
  marginTop: 20


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