Demo datasets used by the OpenECCI Python library for Electron Channelling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) analysis of crystal defects in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
If you find a dataset useful, please cite the individual dataset's DOI.
If an individual DOI is not available, please cite the openECCI library DOI
File name | ebsd_map/20kv_26nA_15mm WD_4x4 bin_fcc_Fe Map.ctf |
Description | A set of experimental EBSD map from a polycrystalline fcc austenitic stainless steel sample of (664 x 499) acquired using an electron beam of 20kV, 26nA, working distance 15mm, binning 4x4 in a JEOL JSM-7001F FEGSEM equipped with Oxford Instruments Nordlys Max2 EBSD detector. |
File name | ebsd_map/20kv_26nA_15mm WD_4x4 binning Si Map.ctf |
Description | A set of experimental EBSD map from a single crystal Si[001] specimen of (48 x 35) acquired using an electron beam of 20kV, 26nA, working distance 15mm, binning 4x4 in a JEOL JSM-7001F FEGSEM equipped with Oxford Instruments Nordlys Max2 EBSD detector. |
File name | ebsd_master_pattern/Fe-master-20kV.h5 |
Description | EBSD master pattern of FCC Fe at 20kV simulated using EMsoft package ver. 5.0.20221208. Due to the file size and limitation of github storage limit, this file is removed from this repo and only available from Zenodo. |
File name | ebsd_master_pattern/Si-master-20kV.h5 |
Description | EBSD master pattern of Si at 20kV simulated using EMsoft package ver. 5.0.20221208. Due to the file size and limitation of github storage limit, this file is removed from this repo and only available from Zenodo. |
File name | fcc_fe/01_Si_ref.tif |
Description | Reference ECP acquired from Si[001] attached with the austenitic stainless steel specimen. |
File name | fcc_fe/01_steel_overview.tif |
Description | A low magnification BSE image acquired from the region has been EBSD mapped on the austenitic stainless steel specimen. |
File name | fcc_fe/steel_ECP_xxx.tif & fcc_fe/steel_SEM_xxx.tif |
Description | Images pairs of higher magnification BSE images and the ECP acquired from the corresponding region. |
File name | si_wafer/TFS/Si_xtilt_xrot_xxx.tif |
Description | ECP acquired from Si[001] attached with the austenitic stainless steel specimen with different SEM stage tilt/rotation combinations. |