We use this public repository to store the material about the homeworks (not the ASSIGNMENT!) for the Algorithms and Data Structures SS23 at IMC FH Krems.
Initially, this repository is empty, then as we go on with the class, we'll add material, programming exercises, test cases, and so on. Therefore, it would be your job to git pull
the changes.
Note: Do not directly CLONE this repo! Instead, import it as a
git submodule
in your private homework classroom assignment.
Git is a wondeful means for contributing to running projects, and you are part of this project. So what and how could you contribute to it?
The what is manyfold: you can contribute by spotting ISSUES, proposing new FEATURES, fixing BUGS, submitting TEST CASES, and more.
The how is to FORK this project and create your own copy of it that you can modify and use to create PULL REQUESTS (PR). Using PR, we enable proper code reviewing and traceability.
Check the instructions in the README.md file inside the self-learning
folder and good luck!
One way to measure execution time using pytest is documented here and consists in adding the option
to pytest.
Another way, is to use a decorator that "wraps" the function and computes the elapsed time.
This public repository has the following structure:
|- tests
| |- __init__.py
| |- test_triangle.py
| |- test_fibonacci.py
|- fibonacci.py