Vue.js image clipping components using Vue-Rx.
- Add image clipping components to your Vue application in nothing flat.
- Touch devices supported and fully responsive.
You can find the source code of examples under the examples
Before using the plugin & components, here's something you should know:
- It's based on vue-rx.
- rxjs and vue-rx are required as peer dependencies.
- Components are responsive base on width instead of height, see Component Layout.
- You can clip your images (local uploaded images or images served on your site), but you cannot clip a cross-origin image unless the image server sets the CORS headers.
- Components' input is an image URL, output is a canvas element, they only help you clip images to canvas, you need to handle other things like transform file input to image URL or transform output canvas to image by yourself.
- If you set the clipper to be responsive, for example: put it in a
Row, Col
system or set its width based on the container's width, you will lose a little bit of precision. The result of the clipper and the clip box position might not be that accurate. If you cannot tolerate the slippage, use fixed width${width + border*2}px
on the clipper component likewidth: 502px
Install vuejs-clipper
npm install vuejs-clipper --save
Install peer dependencies if you haven't.
npm install vue-rx rxjs --save
Vuejs-clipper is based on vue-rx, so make sure you have the vue-rx plugin installed.
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRx from 'vue-rx'
// install vue-rx
Make sure to install vue-rx plugin first.
import Vue from "vue";
import VueRx from "vue-rx";
// Use build files
import VuejsClipper from "vuejs-clipper/dist/vuejs-clipper.umd";
import "vuejs-clipper/dist/vuejs-clipper.css";
You are using vuejs-clipper
directly with your build process(webpack etc).
So make sure you have css loader, ex: sass-loader
if you haven't installed :
npm install -D sass-loader node-sass
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRx from 'vue-rx'
import VuejsClipper from 'vuejs-clipper'
// install vue-rx
// install vuejs-clipper
By default vuejs-clipper plugin will register all components to Vue global scope.
register some components to global with default component name
Vue.use(VuejsClipper, {
components: {
clipperBasic: true,
clipperPreview: true
with the customized component name
Vue.use(VuejsClipper, {
components: {
clipperBasic: 'image-clipper-basic',
clipperPreview: 'my-preview'
not register any components, but with some plugin options
Vue.use(VuejsClipper, {
components: null,
parentPropName: 'myCustomerName'
Vuejs-clipper Adds property to Vue instance in order to store `clipper-preview` list.
You can change the property name
default: '_imgPreviewLists'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRx from 'vue-rx'
// install vue-rx
then import in your components (SFC)
import { clipperBasic, clipperPreview } from 'vuejs-clipper'
export default {
components: {
Include vuejs-clipper umd script after Vue.js.
<!-- rxjs-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>
<!-- vue-rx-->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue-rx.js"></script>
<!--vuejs-clipper script & style -->
<script src="./dist/vuejs-clipper.umd.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/vuejs-clipper.css">
Use in html/template
<clipper-basic src="example.jpg"></clipper-basic>
See detail examples.
an image clipping component
import { clipperBasic } from 'vuejs-clipper'
- Props
Prop | Type | default | description |
src | string | image src | |
preview | string | matches clipper-preview 's name to show preview image. |
border | number | 1 | border width |
outline | number | 6 | outlines near by the border to help user zooming. |
corner | boolean | true | show corner layout |
grid | boolean | true | show grid layout |
ratio | number | ratio of clipping area (width/height). ex: 1 , 4/3 . |
wrap-ratio | number | NaN | ratio of clipping container (width/height). ex: 1 , 4/3 . |
mode | 'normal'/'switch' | 'normal' | if ratio is set, this prop will affect how clipping area zoom. |
bg-color | string | 'white' | background color |
lineColor | string | '#1baae8' | clip box line color |
shadow | string | 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)' | shadow color |
rotate | number | 0 | rotate degree |
scale | number | 1 | transform scale |
min-width | number | 1 | minimum width(%) of clipping box related to clipping component's width |
min-height | number | 1 | minimum height(%) of clipping box related to clipping component's height. |
init-width | number | 50 | clipping area's width(%) when the image loaded. |
init-height | number | 50 | clipping area's height(%) when the image loaded. |
touch-create | boolean | true | enable/disable create new clipping area on touch device |
cross-origin | string | undefined | crossorigin attribute of <img /> inside clipper. ex: anonymous |
For more detail about the layout settings, pleases see Component layout in depth.
- Methods
method | argument | return | description |
clip | options | canvas element | get clipping canvas element |
getDrawPos | {pos, translate} : positions and transformation |
get result canvas information |
name | type | default | description |
options.wPixel | number | undefined | Set the the width (pixel) of result canvas. |
options.maxWPixel | number | undefined | Set the the maximum width (pixel) of result canvas. |
set ref to use component methods
<clipper-basic ref="clipper" />
in your Vue instance methods
const canvas = this.$refs.clipper.clip()
- Event
event | parameters | description |
load | $event | image onload |
error | $error | image onerror |
usage :
<clipper-basic @error="errorCb" @load="loadCb" />
- Data
data | type | default | description |
imgRatio | number | NaN | upload image's ratio (image naturalWidth/natrualHeight). Default value is NaN, after the load event the value will be set. |
zoomTL$ | object | clipping area's position(%), can be top/bottom and left/right. | |
zoomWH$ | object | clipping area's width and height(%) |
usage :
- Slot
slot | description |
placeholder | if no src provided, show placeholder |
<clipper-basic src="">
<div slot="placeholder">No image</div>
- rxjs Subject
subject | description |
setTL$ | Set the position of the zooming area. |
setWH$ | Set the width and height of the zooming area. |
onChange$ | Subject that subscribes to zooming, moving, and rotating subjects. |
this.$refs.clipper.setTL$.next({ left: 0, top: 0 }) // percentage 0%
this.$refs.clipper.setTL$.next({ right: 0, bottom: 10 })
this.$refs.clipper.setWH$.next({ width: 100, height: 100 }) // percentage 100%
this.$refs.clipper.onChange$.subscribe(() => {
// This happens whenever zooming, moving, and rotating occur.
an image clipping component
import { clipperFixed } from 'vuejs-clipper'
- Props
Prop | Type | default | description |
src | string | image src | |
preview | string | matches clipper-preview 's name to show preview image. |
ratio | number | 1 | ratio of clipping area (width/height). ex: 1 , 4/3 . |
zoom-rate | number | 0.04 | zooming faster if this value is larger |
min-scale | number | 0.1 | minimum transform scale |
border | number | 1 | border width |
border-color | string | 'white' | border color |
grid | boolean | true | show grid layout |
round | boolean | false | Use a round clipping area, this only effect the component layout, clipping results are still rectangular. |
bg-color | string | 'white' | background color |
shadow | string | 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)' | shadow color |
rotate | number | 0 | rotate degree |
area | number | 50 | width or height (%) of clipping box(depends on ratio). |
cross-origin | string | undefined | crossorigin attribute of <img /> inside clipper. ex: anonymous |
handle-zoom-event | function | (scale) => scale |
handle zooming, accept the calculated scale value, return the scale value. |
- Method
method | argument | return | description |
clip | options | canvas element | get clipping canvas element. |
getDrawPos | {pos, translate} : positions and transformation |
get result canvas information |
name | type | default | description |
options.wPixel | number | undefined | Set the the width (pixel) of result canvas. |
options.maxWPixel | number | undefined | Set the the maximum width (pixel) of result canvas. |
- Event
event | parameters | description |
load | $event | image onload |
error | $error | image onerror |
- Data
data | type | default | description |
imgRatio | number | NaN | upload image's ratio (image naturalWidth/natrualHeight). Default value is NaN, after the load event the value will be set. |
bgTL$ | object | image's translate(X,Y) | |
bgWH$ | number | image's scaling |
- Slot
slot | description |
placeholder | if no src provided, show placeholder |
- rxjs Subject
subject | description |
setTL$ | Set the top and left of the image. |
setWH$ | Set the sizing(scaling) of the image. |
onChange$ | Subject that subscribes to zooming, moving, and rotating subjects. |
this.$refs.clipper.setTL$.next({ left: 50, top: 50 }) // percentage 0%
this.$refs.clipper.setWH$.next(0.6) // transform scale(0.6)
this.$refs.clipper.onChange$.subscribe(() => {
// This happens whenever zooming, moving, and rotating occur.
preview clipping result
import { clipperPreview } from 'vuejs-clipper'
- Props
Prop | Type | default | description |
name | string | name that matches clipper component's preview property |
- Slot
slot | description |
placeholder | if no src provided, show placeholder |
a simple input range component
import { clipperRange } from 'vuejs-clipper'
use v-model
binding data with clipper-range
- Props
Prop | Type | default | description |
max | number | 10 | maximum value of range |
min | number | 0 | minimum value of range |
a new component in 0.2.0
an upload button that transforms image files to URL
import { clipperUpload } from 'vuejs-clipper'
use v-model
binding data with clipper-upload
- Props
Props that are not defined below will apply to the file input as attributes, for example: accept
, id
, and name
Prop | Type | default | description |
check | boolean | true | Check if upload file is an image. If set to true , when upload files that are not images, it will do nothing, so you will not get an error event on the clipping component. |
exif | boolean | true | Transform EXIF image to correct orientation when uploading. |
- Event
event | parameters | description |
input | $event | Result domgstring on change |
- Data
data | type | default | description |
file | File Object | null | Uploaded file's original File Object. |
- 3.1.2
- Fix touch devices zooming bug: #91
- 3.1.1
- Fix #82
- 3.1.0
- Fix
ratio is not correct.
- Fix
!Before v3.1.0,
prop has a bug that the clip area is not calculated correctly withborder
prop, so the ratio of the clipping result isn't precise. (issue #80)
- 3.0.4
accept rest props as input attributes.
- 3.0.3
- Feature: Add
for controlling zoom behavior. (issue #54
- Feature: Add
- 3.0.2
- Fix: move clipper-basic init/reset position function into
(issue #71)
- Fix: move clipper-basic init/reset position function into
- 3.0.1
- Fix clipper-basic initalize ratio clip-box & wrong border layout.
- 3.0.0
- Move
from dependencies to peer dependencies.
- Move
- 2.1.2
- Fix
incorrect layout for scaling & rotation (bug of 2.1.1).
- Fix
- 2.1.1
- Fix
incorrect layout for verticle images on Firefox.
- Fix
- 2.1.0
- Fix broken
- Fix broken
- 2.0.0
- Change css naming to BEM.
- 1.1.6
- Update dependencies.
- 1.1.5
- Add new prop
- Add new prop
- 1.1.4
- Add
attribute biding for<img/>
in clipper (crossOrigin
- Add
- 1.1.3
- Add
statements to components' style.
- Add
- 1.1.2
- Set pixel of
result canvas.clip({ wPixel, maxWPixel })
- Set pixel of
- 1.1.1
- Add
placeholder slot.
- Add
- 1.1.0
- Fixed
behaviors, nowratio
will not affect clipper's layout since there'swrapRatio
to control the layout.
- Fixed
- 1.0.1
- Fixed
loading images overflow. - Add
props toclipper-basic
- Fixed
- 1.0.0
- Change the
design, it will judge layout depends on the ratio. - Production version.
- Change the
- 0.2.13
- Decrease css specificity
- 0.2.12
- Fixed issue #13
- 0.2.11
- Expose rxjs subjects that can set position and layout of the movable area.
- 0.2.10
- Use passive event listener on wheel event (issue #8).
- 0.2.9
- New prop
- Fixed issue #4
- New prop
- 0.2.8