- Uses https://www.musicmeter.nl/album/searchmisc
- Selects the top albums based on rating, number of votes and year-range
- Gets the artist + top (n) tracks of each album
- Gets the spotify uri for each track
- Creates a (public) playlist with a title+description based on the query
- Adds al tracks in chunks of 100 to the playlist
- made for fun so use at own risk and don't blame me if it breaks
- credits to https://github.com/TheComeUpCode/SpotifyGeneratePlaylist for spot class(ty bro)
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- get spotify token; https://developer.spotify.com/console/post-playlists/ > generate token (scope: playlist-modify-public or private, token expires fast but cba to implement auth flow)
- get spotify username; userid https://www.spotify.com/us/account/overview/ > username
- run main.py - follow steps
- if web/chromedriver doesn't work from path just download and drag .exe in project folder