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b-kloss committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent 769f51a commit d1d731f
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 113 deletions.
141 changes: 28 additions & 113 deletions src/treetensornetworks/opsum_to_ttn.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function ttn_svd(
linkdir_ref = ITensors.using_auto_fermion() ? ITensors.In : ITensors.In
# traverse tree outwards from root vertex
vs = reverse(post_order_dfs_vertices(sites, root_vertex)) # store vertices in fixed ordering relative to root
#ToDo: Add check in ttn_svd that the ordering matches that of find_index_in_tree, which is used in sorteachterm #fermion-sign!
# ToDo: Add check in ttn_svd that the ordering matches that of find_index_in_tree, which is used in sorteachterm #fermion-sign!
es = reverse(reverse.(post_order_dfs_edges(sites, root_vertex))) # store edges in fixed ordering relative to root
# some things to keep track of
degrees = Dict(v => degree(sites, v) for v in vs) # rank of every TTN tensor in network
Expand All @@ -84,11 +84,7 @@ function ttn_svd(
op_cache[ITensors.which_op(st) =>] = op_tensor
if !isnothing(flux(op_tensor))
if linkdir_ref == ITensors.In
q = -flux(op_tensor)
q = flux(op_tensor)
q += flux(op_tensor)
return q
Expand All @@ -100,13 +96,13 @@ function ttn_svd(
for v in vs
is_internal[v] = isempty(sites[v])
if isempty(sites[v])
push!(sites[v], Index(Hflux => 1)) ###FIXME: using Hflux may be a problem with AutoFermion, the dummy index has to be bosonic (but the QN of H should be too?) ...
push!(sites[v], Index(Hflux => 1))
inbond_coefs = Dict(
e => Dict{QN,Vector{ITensors.MatElem{coefficient_type}}}() for e in es
) # bond coefficients for incoming edge channels
site_coef_done = Prod{Op}[] # list of terms for which the coefficient has been added to a site factor
site_coef_done = Prod{Op}[] # list of terms for which the coefficient has been added to a site factor
# temporary symbolic representation of TTN Hamiltonian
tempTTN = Dict(v => QNArrElem{Scaled{coefficient_type,Prod{Op}},degrees[v]}[] for v in vs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,10 +142,10 @@ function ttn_svd(

# compute QNs
incoming_qn = calc_qn(incoming)
not_incoming_qn = calc_qn(not_incoming) ###does this work?
not_incoming_qn = calc_qn(not_incoming)
outgoing_qns = Dict(e => calc_qn(outgoing[e]) for e in edges_out)
site_qn = calc_qn(onsite)

# initialize QNArrayElement indices and quantum numbers
T_inds = MVector{degrees[v]}(fill(-1, degrees[v]))
T_qns = MVector{degrees[v]}(fill(QN(), degrees[v]))
Expand All @@ -158,9 +154,10 @@ function ttn_svd(
bond_col = -1
if !isempty(incoming)
# get the correct map from edge=>QN to term and channel
coutmap = get!(outmaps, edge_in => linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? -not_incoming_qn : not_incoming_qn , Dict{Vector{Op},Int}()) ###the sign in front of not_incoming isn't really of effect later on, except for in the next loop?
cinmap = get!(inmaps, edge_in => linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? incoming_qn : -incoming_qn, Dict{Vector{Op},Int}())
# this checks if term exists on edge=>QN ( otherwise insert it) and returns it's index
coutmap = get!(outmaps, edge_in => not_incoming_qn , Dict{Vector{Op},Int}())
cinmap = get!(inmaps, edge_in => -incoming_qn, Dict{Vector{Op},Int}())

bond_row = ITensors.posInLink!(cinmap, incoming)
bond_col = ITensors.posInLink!(coutmap, not_incoming) # get incoming channel
bond_coef = convert(coefficient_type, ITensors.coefficient(term))
Expand All @@ -169,35 +166,14 @@ function ttn_svd(
push!(q_inbond_coefs, ITensors.MatElem(bond_row, bond_col, bond_coef))
T_inds[dim_in] = bond_col
T_qns[dim_in] = linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? incoming_qn : -incoming_qn ##reference direction is the one on link, since dim_in will be daggered later, we want the natural flux if the end result is on an OutIndex
T_qns[dim_in] = -incoming_qn
for dout in dims_out
coutmap = get!(
outmaps, edges[dout] => linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? -outgoing_qns[edges[dout]] : outgoing_qns[edges[dout]], Dict{Vector{Op},Int}() ### I hope this works?
outmaps, edges[dout] => outgoing_qns[edges[dout]], Dict{Vector{Op},Int}()
T_inds[dout] = ITensors.posInLink!(coutmap, outgoing[edges[dout]]) # add outgoing channel
T_qns[dout] = linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? -outgoing_qns[edges[dout]] : outgoing_qns[edges[dout]] # outgoing inds will be in ref direction, so reverse sign if that's in
if linkdir_ref == ITensors.In
if !isnothing(dim_in)
for dout in dims_out
@assert cflux==Hflux
if !isnothing(dim_in)
for dout in dims_out
@assert cflux==Hflux
T_qns[dout] = outgoing_qns[edges[dout]]
# if term starts at this site, add its coefficient as a site factor
site_coef = one(coefficient_type)
Expand All @@ -220,6 +196,7 @@ function ttn_svd(

push!(tempTTN[v], el)

# manual truncation: isometry on incoming edge
if !isnothing(dim_in) && !isempty(inbond_coefs[edges[dim_in]])
Expand All @@ -242,12 +219,8 @@ function ttn_svd(
qi = Vector{Pair{QN,Int}}()
push!(qi, QN() => 1)
for (q, Vq) in Vs[e]
cols = size(Vq, 2) ###this should be taken care of by the logic for T_qns[dim_in?]
#if linkdir_ref==ITensors.In # <fermions>
#push!(qi, (-q) => cols)
cols = size(Vq, 2)
push!(qi, q => cols)
push!(qi, Hflux => 1)
link_space[e] = Index(qi...; tags=edge_tag(e), dir=linkdir_ref)
Expand All @@ -269,10 +242,8 @@ function ttn_svd(
dims_out = findall(e -> src(e) == v, edges)
# slice isometries at this vertex
Vv = [Vs[e] for e in edges]

linkinds = [link_space[e] for e in edges]
linkdims = dim.(linkinds)
#@show space.(linkinds)

# construct blocks
blocks = Dict{Tuple{Block{degrees[v]},Vector{Op}},Array{coefficient_type,degrees[v]}}()
for el in tempTTN[v]
Expand All @@ -281,18 +252,9 @@ function ttn_svd(
block_helper_inds = fill(-1, degrees[v]) # we manipulate T_inds later, and loose track of ending/starting information, so keep track of it here
T_inds = el.idxs
T_qns = el.qn_idxs
iT_qns = deepcopy(T_qns)
for d in dims_out
#if !ITensors.using_auto_fermion()

#if !ITensors.has_fermionic_subspaces(linkinds[d]) ###FIXME: don't understand why it only applies to indices with ferm. subspaces? the logic above for autofermion applies regardless?
iT_qns[d] = iT_qns[d]
end ###this should reflect that the sign of the QNs on incoming logic is always opposite to outgoing logic
ct = convert(coefficient_type, coefficient(t))
sublinkdims = [
#(T_inds[i] == -1 ? 1 : qnblockdim(linkinds[i], linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? -T_qns[i] : T_qns[i])) for i in 1:degrees[v]
(T_inds[i] == -1 ? 1 : qnblockdim(linkinds[i], iT_qns[i])) for i in 1:degrees[v]
(T_inds[i] == -1 ? 1 : qnblockdim(linkinds[i], T_qns[i])) for i in 1:degrees[v]
zero_arr() = zeros(coefficient_type, sublinkdims...)
terminal_dims = findall(d -> T_inds[d] == -1, 1:degrees[v]) # directions in which term starts or ends
Expand All @@ -307,92 +269,52 @@ function ttn_svd(

# set non-trivial helper inds
for d in normal_dims
#block_helper_inds[d] = qnblock(linkinds[d], linkdir_ref == ITensors.In ? -T_qns[d] : T_qns[d])
block_helper_inds[d] = qnblock(linkinds[d], iT_qns[d])

block_helper_inds[d] = qnblock(linkinds[d], T_qns[d])

@assert all((-1), block_helper_inds)# check that all block indices are set
# make Block
theblock = Block(Tuple(block_helper_inds))

# T_qns takes into account incoming/outgoing arrow direction, while Vs are stored for incoming arrow
# flip sign of QN for outgoing arrows, to match incoming arrow definition of Vs
#@show T_qns
#@show T_inds

#if !isnothing(dim_in) && ITensors.using_auto_fermion()
# iT_qns[dim_in]=-iT_qns[dim_in]

# make and fill Block
theblock = Block(Tuple(block_helper_inds))
if isempty(normal_dims)
M = get!(blocks, (theblock, terms(t)), zero_arr())
@assert isone(length(M))
M[] += ct
M = get!(blocks, (theblock, terms(t)), zero_arr())
dim_ranges = Tuple(size(Vv[d][iT_qns[d]], 2) for d in normal_dims)
#other_dim_ranges = Tuple(size(Vv[d][iT_qns[d]], 1) for d in normal_dims)
#mdim_ranges = Tuple(size(Vv[d][-iT_qns[d]], 2) for d in normal_dims)
#mother_dim_ranges = Tuple(size(Vv[d][-iT_qns[d]], 1) for d in normal_dims)

#@show dim_ranges
#@show other_dim_ranges

#@show mdim_ranges
#@show mother_dim_ranges

for c in CartesianIndices(dim_ranges)
dim_ranges = Tuple(size(Vv[d][T_qns[d]], 2) for d in normal_dims)
for c in CartesianIndices(dim_ranges) # applies isometries in a element-wise manner
z = ct
temp_inds = copy(T_inds)
for (i, d) in enumerate(normal_dims)
V_factor = Vv[d][ITensors.using_auto_fermion() ? iT_qns[d] : iT_qns[d]][T_inds[d], c[i]]
V_factor = Vv[d][T_qns[d]][T_inds[d], c[i]]
z *= (d == dim_in ? conj(V_factor) : V_factor) # conjugate incoming isometry factor
temp_inds[d] = c[i]
#@show temp_inds
#@show size(M)
M[temp_inds...] += z

H[v] = ITensor()

# make the final arrow directions
_linkinds = copy(linkinds)
if !isnothing(dim_in)
_linkinds[dim_in] = dag(_linkinds[dim_in])

for ((b, q_op), m) in blocks
Op = computeSiteProd(sites, Prod(q_op))
#Op = (ITensors.using_auto_fermion() && !isnothing(Op)) ? dag(Op) : Op
if hasqns(Op) ###FIXME: this may not be safe, we may want to check for the equivalent (zero tensor?) case in the dense case as well
if hasqns(Op) # FIXME: this may not be safe, we may want to check for the equivalent (zero tensor?) case in the dense case as well
iszero(nnzblocks(Op)) && continue
if b[1]==1
rq=Hflux #set QN of non-existing incoming dim to Hflux pr trivial QN?
rq = first(space(linkinds[1])[b[1]]) #get QN of incoming dim
sq = flux(Op)
if !isnothing(sq)
#sq = ITensors.using_auto_fermion() ? -sq : sq
cq = rq - sq #Hflux needs to be the zero element under addition so this is true without loss of generality
#cq = -cq
#@show cq
rq =(b[1]==1 ? Hflux : first(space(linkinds[1])[b[1]])) # get row (dim_in) QN
cq = rq - sq # get column (out_dims) QN
if ITensors.using_auto_fermion()
###the underlying linear ordering is the order of given by find_pos_in tree/reverse(post_order_dfs_vertices(sites, root_vertex))
###the edges of the tree are also in the corresponding order, and so are the local edges
###this implies that no permutation should be necessary among the internal indices
###then the logic can straightforwardly be generalized from the MPS case
### a) the incoming index should be the first index of the tensor if the incoming index exists
### b) the outgoing indices are the last indices of the tensor, already in the correct order, see above
### c) we should be able to logically combine the outgoing indices into a single index (i.e. sum of outgoing qns)
### d) now the format of the problem is exactly identical to the MPO case
###since we are assembling the tensor by tensor product (dim_in,dims_out...) x (phys...)
###we need to undo the autofermion logic.
# we need to account for the direct product below ordering the physical indices as the last indices
# although they are in between incoming and outgoing indices in the canonical site-ordering
if ITensors.compute_permfactor(perm,rq,sq,cq) == -1
Op .*= -1
Expand All @@ -409,9 +331,6 @@ function ttn_svd(
if is_internal[v]
H[v] += iT
if ITensors.using_auto_fermion()
@show flux(iT), flux(Op), flux(iT * Op)
if hasqns(iT)
@assert flux(iT * Op) == Hflux
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,11 +363,7 @@ function ttn_svd(
if is_internal[v]
H[v] += T
#if ITensors.using_auto_fermion()
# H[v] += T * dag(ITensorNetworks.computeSiteProd(sites, Prod([(Op("Id", v))])))
H[v] += T * ITensorNetworks.computeSiteProd(sites, Prod([(Op("Id", v))]))

Expand Down

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