A simple database management system which designed to manage hospital. The system should be able to keep track of the records of the doctors, patients, nurses, and other hospital staff. The main aim is to minimize the paperwork of the hospital as minimum as possible, if not completely.
- Database - PostgreSQL
- Database management - Java/Python
- User Interface - Java
- Tests - Python
The initial functionalities requested are as follows:
Multi user account system
Monitoring the whole hospital system
Management of all types of users’ account
Notice Board
Appointment Management
View Appointments
Medical History
Invoice Management
Medical Report Management
Internal Communication
Responsive User Interfaces
- Clone repository
- Setup SDK 11 version in IntelliJ
- Go to File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> '+' -> JARs or Directories
- Select
- Go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> '+' -> Java
- Select
- Click Apply and OK
- Run 'GUI_Main.main()'
- Go to Run -> Edit Configuration -> Modify Options -> Add VM Options
- Add this:
- Install PostgreSQL
sudo apt install postgresql
- Open file
- Replace md5 with trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
- Restart service
sudo service postgresql restart
- Populate database by running
cd project-ram/sql && ./populate.sh
- (Optional) To delete database
cd project-ram/sql && ./drop.sh
The project "Hospital management system" was selected
Updated the Readme page
Selected product owner: Renat Valeev
Selected technologies to be used: PosgreSQL, Python, Java
Determined the Initial Client Features
Wrote a simple program to make sure everything is correct
Finish work from Sprint0 (created branch policy, [user story] and [task] templates)
Created database schema
Created Use case diagram of the project
Update documentation
Finish work from Sprint 1
Read and understand Continuous integration in github (curret issue: never worked with GitHub Action, need more time to get used to it)
Made initial user interface
Update documentation
- Fill the database by random values (took files from the Internet with random names and surnames)
Connected database to java
Generated data for tests
Finilize GUI
Add tests for app
Update documentation
Relational Scheme:
Text areas are name, surname, login, age, role.
Buttons are for clean data and to perform search query by name, surname, login, age, role.
Alfiya Musabekova [email protected]
Renat Valeev [email protected]
Marina Nikolaeva [email protected]