The script turns a fan on and off when temperature exceeds thresholds.
the temperature is aquired by a MCP3008 ADC connected on the raspberry SPI Interface (MCP3008 Adafruit library needed); the sensor configured in the script is a 10KOhm NTC with Beta=3950 and pull-up resistor of 12K, but can be changed; the fan is controlled by one of the Raspberry GPIO pin (pin 25 by default);
If a 12V fan is used, it should be driven by a NPN transistor (eg: 2N2222) connected as follows:
- emitter: connects to Raspberry GND and power supply GND
- base: connects to 110 Ohm Resistor. The other pin of resistor to GPIO pin 25
- collector: connects to fan GND
- fan red (+): connects to external 12V power supply
If other type of fan are used, the BJT can drive a 12V relè
The scripts write on/off and exception events on a log file
The original script is from: Source:
You can start automatically the script using systemd
Create a systemd service file using:
$ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/run-fan.service
with the contents as shown below (remove # and leading spaces):
Description=run fan when hot
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/ #Insert real path of the script!!
ctrl-o, ENTER, ctrl-x to save and exit the nano editor After any changes to /lib/systemd/system/run-fan.service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable run-fan.service
sudo reboot
Ensure the run-fan.service in systemd is enabled and running:
systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
systemctl | grep running | grep fan
systemctl status run-fan.service -l
If there are any issues with starting the script using systemd, then examine the journal using:
sudo journalctl -u run-fan.service