This is the repository of Octoprint interface built in ROS for WASP crane. The node provide ROS service of control parameter(print speed and extrusion speed), subscriptoion for printing status.
Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
This project uses Docker for containerization. If you don't have Docker Engine installed, follow this link To manage docker as a non-root user, please follow the post-installation steps in this link
Add the following to your bashrc file for ros and the workspace to be sourced when opening a new terminal in dev_ws, make sure your are not sourcing ROS in your bashrc file.
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.bash" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.bash
If you want to visualize the pointcloud and images from husky robot please install foxglove studio.
sudo snap install foxglove-studio
To access the files inside container you need to install Remote Development and Docker extension in your vscode. To modify the files in container:
- click the Docker icon in vscode
- Right click the container you want to access
- Attach vscode
- Open the folder, type /dev_ws/src
Clone this repository to your computer
[email protected]:HuanyuL/wasp_crane_webservice.git
Build the image
cd wasp_crane_webserivce
Run the container
Once you run the container, you will see the terminal return the request to change the ownership of the folder, copy this line from the terminal
sudo chown -R $USER /dev_ws
Then run the terminator
Run the node
roslaunch wasp_crane_web_service web_service.launch
Import the panel json to Foxglove
Foxglove studio should run in your machine instead of container, chose the ROS1 display and import the template from the wasp_crane_monitor.json
This project is licensed under the MIT License.