This is the official repository of 3D environments that are shown as available for the Wolvic VR Browser. Environments are cube map sky boxes with 6 images (described below). Anyone can submit a potential new environment for inclusion, and users can browse and select them from Wolvic itself through the “Environment” section in the Settings.
- Environment creators need to provide 6 different images, one for each face of a cube
- Compress the new textures
- It can be generated using the
Available in Debian in
mipgen -f ktx -m 1 -c etc_srgb8_rgba_100 <source.png> <destination.ktx>
To generate all of them in a loop
$ for f in PATH_TO_UNCOMPRESSED_DIR/*png; do mipgen -f ktx -m 1 -c etc_srgb8_rgba_100 $f PATH_TO_DESTINATION_DIR/$(basename ${f%.*})_srgb.ktx; done
- The new
textures should be 513kB size. If they're bigger then you are either not using 1024x1024 images or you're generating textures with alpha layer
- The new environment must be in its own folder and it should provide 5 files, since some devices don't support ktx compression format (the default)
- A 256x256 screenshot of the new enviroment (env_name.[png | jpg])
- A zip file with the 'rgb' textures with 'ktx' compression (
- A zip file with the 'srgb' textures with 'ktx' compression (
- both the zip and the files it contains must have the '_srgb' prefix
- A zip file with the 'rgb' textures with 'jpg' compression (
- A zip file with the 'srgb' textures with 'jpg' compression (
- both the zip and the files it contains must have the '_srgb' prefix