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GSoC 2014 Mukul Priya R8

Mukul Priya edited this page Jul 12, 2014 · 1 revision

What did i do this week ?

  • As mentioned in the time line , I implemented a basic Tabu search this week with one of the moves (2-opt*) for generating neigbourhood. I tested the implementation for a basic data set with 100 orders and was able to optimize the initial solution by some extent .

What will I be working on next week?

  • I will continue testing the optimizer for new data sets after adding one more neighbourhood move inside the tabu search.
  • Depending on the data set , it is difficult to estimate which neigbourhood move might give better results/ optimal solution. I will try and test with more data sets which have their corresponding best solution so far and then compare it with the results of my implementation.

Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

  • No
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