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Only the official Discord application is currently supported. Alternate clients may not work, and unfortunately I don't have the capacity to troubleshoot at the moment.


Vesktop will not work with this plugin. This is an issue with Vesktop, and not something I can fix in this plugin.

Expected flow

  1. Create a Discord app at
  2. Get a client ID and Client Secret
  3. Make sure to set a redirect url of http://localhost:9000 in the Oauth2 settings page
  4. Use the Client ID and Client Secret on any of the actions (applying to one action will apply to all)

Currently supported features

Currently, this plugin supports the following:

  • Mute/Unmute
  • Deafen/Undeafen
  • Join/Leave voice channel
  • Join text channel


If you are using the Flatpak version of Discord, Discord may not properly setup the IPC channels. You will need to use the commands below to create the IPC channel to communicate with Discord.

mkdir -p ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d
echo 'L %t/discord-ipc-0 - - - - app/com.discordapp.Discord/discord-ipc-0' > ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d/discord-rpc.conf
systemctl --user enable --now systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service

You will also need to make sure that Discord has access to /run/user/1000/ to be able to create the IPC file. Configurable by allowing access to xdg-run/discord:create.

If you are using the Flatpak version of StreamController, you will need to make sure StreamController has access to /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-* so it can access the IPC files.


This plugin uses sockets to communicate with Discord. Discord creates this socket as $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-0. To verify that only process is listening to this socket, perform the following:

  1. Quit Discord, StreamController and any other discord-like applications entirely
  2. Run lsof $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-0 and make sure that there are no processes returned
  3. Launch Discord and StreamController again, and try to use an action
  4. If it doesn't work, check lsof $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR again to see how many processes are accessing the socket