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liuly12 authored Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 1e7c644 commit 0bbd91c
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 354 deletions.
354 changes: 0 additions & 354 deletions docs/demo/examples/luton_scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
# from wsimod.nodes.nodes import QueueTank, Tank, ResidenceTank

def extensions(model):
# decorate storm sewer to make it cso
# for node_name, node in model.nodes.items():
# if any(ext in node_name for ext in ['storm', 'foul', 'combined']):
# node.make_discharge = wrapper_sewer(node)

# decorate land->gw
model.nodes['1823-land'].run = wrapper_land_gw(model.nodes['1823-land'])
Expand All @@ -29,10 +25,6 @@ def extensions(model):

# Change because new function has been introduced by the new node
model.river_discharge_order = ['1823-river']
# = wrapper_run(model)
# parameter adjustment
# model.nodes['1823-land'].surfaces[-1].pore_depth = 0.1
# model.nodes['1823-storm'].make_discharge = wrapper_stormsewer_cso(model.nodes['1823-storm'])

# decorate fix head
for node in ['6aead97c-0040-4e31-889d-01f628faf990',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,349 +175,3 @@ def new_end_timestep():
if str(node.t) == date:
node.process_parameters[variable]['constant'] = value
return new_end_timestep

# def wrapper_impervioussurface_sewer(self):
# def push_to_sewers(#self
# ):
# """Outflow function that distributes ponded water (i.e., surface runoff)
# to the parent node's attached sewers.

# Returns:
# (tuple): A tuple containing a VQIP amount for model inputs and outputs
# for mass balance checking.

# """
# # Get runoff
# surface_runoff = self.pull_ponded()
# print(surface_runoff['volume'])
# # Distribute
# # TODO in cwsd_partition this is done with timearea
# reply = self.parent.push_distributed(surface_runoff, of_type=["Sewer", "SewerCSO"], tag = 'Land')

# # Update tank (forcing, because if the water can't go to the sewer, where else can it go)
# _ = self.push_storage(reply, force=True)
# # TODO... possibly this could flow to attached river or land nodes.. or other surfaces? I expect this doesn't matter for large scale models.. but may need to be revisited for detailed sewer models

# # Return empty mass balance because outflows are handled by parent
# return (self.empty_vqip(), self.empty_vqip())
# return push_to_sewers
# def wrapper_stormsewer_cso(self):
# def make_discharge(#self
# ):
# """Function to trigger downstream sewer flow.

# Updates sewer tank travel time, pushes to WWTW, then sewer, then CSO. May
# flood land if, after these attempts, the sewer tank storage is above
# capacity.

# """
# self.sewer_tank.internal_arc.update_queue(direction="push")
# # TODO... do I need to do anything with this backflow... does it ever happen?

# # Discharge to CSO first
# capacity = 86400 * 2 # [m3/d]

# cso_spill = self.sewer_tank.active_storage['volume'] - capacity # [m3/d]
# if cso_spill > 0:
# # cso_spill = self.v_change_vqip(self.sewer_tank.active_storage, cso_spill) # [vqip]
# cso_spill = self.sewer_tank.pull_storage({'volume': cso_spill}) # [vqip]

# remaining = self.push_distributed(cso_spill,
# of_type = ["CSO"]
# )
# _ = self.sewer_tank.push_storage(remaining, force=True)
# # # list of arcs that connect with gw bodies
# # _, arcs = self.get_direction_arcs(direction='push', of_type=['CSO']) # new type
# # cso_arcs = [arc for arc in arcs if 'cso' in]
# # # if there is only one river arc
# # if len(cso_arcs) == 1:
# # arc = cso_arcs[0]
# # remaining = arc.send_push_request(cso_spill)
# # _ = self.sewer_tank.push_storage(remaining, force = True)
# # if remaining['volume'] > constants.FLOAT_ACCURACY:
# # print('Sewer unable to push from '' into cso ''-to-')[-1])
# # else:
# # print("More than 1 cso corresponds with "" - can't model it at this stage and needs further development")
# # Discharge to sewer and river then (based on preferences)
# to_send = self.sewer_tank.pull_storage(self.sewer_tank.active_storage) # [vqip]
# remaining = self.push_distributed(to_send,
# of_type = ["Sewer", "River_h"]
# )
# _ = self.sewer_tank.push_storage(remaining, force=True)
# # #Discharge to WWTW if possible
# # remaining = self.push_distributed(remaining,
# # of_type = ["WWTW"],
# # tag = 'Sewer'
# # )

# # remaining = self.push_distributed(self.sewer_tank.active_storage)

# # TODO backflow can cause mass balance errors here

# # # Update tank
# # sent = self.extract_vqip(self.sewer_tank.active_storage, remaining)
# # reply = self.sewer_tank.pull_storage_exact(sent)
# # if (reply["volume"] - sent["volume"]) > constants.FLOAT_ACCURACY:
# # print("Miscalculated tank storage in discharge")

# # Flood excess
# ponded = self.sewer_tank.pull_ponded()
# if ponded["volume"] > constants.FLOAT_ACCURACY:
# reply_ = self.push_distributed(ponded, of_type=["Land"], tag="Sewer")
# reply_ = self.sewer_tank.push_storage(reply_, time=0, force=True)
# if reply_["volume"]:
# print("ponded water cant reenter")
# return make_discharge

# def wrapper_run(self):

# def run(#self,
# dates = None,
# settings = None,
# record_arcs = None,
# record_tanks = None,
# verbose = True,
# record_all = True,
# other_attr = {}):
# """Run the model object with the default orchestration

# Args:
# dates (list, optional): Dates to simulate. Defaults to None, which
# simulates all dates that the model has data for.
# settings (dict, optional): Dict to specify what results are stored,
# not currently used. Defaults to None.
# record_arcs (list, optional): List of arcs to store result for.
# Defaults to None.
# record_tanks (list, optional): List of nodes with water stores to
# store results for. Defaults to None.
# verbose (bool, optional): Prints updates on simulation if true.
# Defaults to True.
# record_all (bool, optional): Specifies to store all results.
# Defaults to True.
# other_attr (dict, optional): Dict to store additional attributes of
# specified nodes/arcs. Example:
# {'arc.name1': ['arc.attribute1'],
# 'arc.name2': ['arc.attribute1', 'arc.attribute2'],
# 'node.name1': ['node.attribute1'],
# 'node.name2': ['node.attribute1', 'node.attribute2']}
# Defaults to None.

# Returns:
# flows: simulated flows in a list of dicts
# tanks: simulated tanks storages in a list of dicts
# node_mb: mass balance differences in a list of dicts (not currently used)
# surfaces: simulated surface storages of land nodes in a list of dicts
# requested_attr: timeseries of attributes of specified nodes/arcs requested by the users
# """

# if record_arcs is None:
# record_arcs = self.arcs.keys()

# if record_tanks is None:
# record_tanks = []

# if settings is None:
# settings = self.default_settings()

# def blockPrint():
# stdout = sys.stdout
# sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# return stdout
# def enablePrint(stdout):
# sys.stdout = stdout
# if not verbose:
# stdout = blockPrint()
# if dates is None:
# dates = self.dates

# flows = []
# tanks = []
# node_mb = []
# surfaces = []

# # print(
# # self.nodes['6aead97c-0040-4e31-889d-01f628faf990'].data_input_dict)#[('nhx-dry', dates[-36].to_period('M'))])

# for date in tqdm(dates, disable = (not verbose)):
# # for date in dates:
# for node in self.nodelist:
# node.t = date
# node.monthyear = date.to_period('M')

# # print(type(node.monthyear))

# #Run FWTW
# for node in self.nodes_type['FWTW'].values():
# node.treat_water()

# #Create demand (gets pushed to sewers)
# for node in self.nodes_type['Demand'].values():
# node.create_demand()

# #Create runoff (impervious gets pushed to sewers, pervious to groundwater)
# for node in self.nodes_type['Land'].values():

# #Infiltrate GW
# for node in self.nodes_type['Groundwater'].values():
# node.infiltrate()
# for node in self.nodes_type['Groundwater_h'].values():
# node.infiltrate()

# #Foul second so that it can discharge any misconnection
# for node in self.nodes_type['Foul'].values():
# node.make_discharge()

# #Discharge sewers (pushed to other sewers or WWTW)
# for node in self.nodes_type['Sewer'].values():
# node.make_discharge()

# #Discharge WWTW
# for node in self.nodes_type['WWTW'].values():
# node.calculate_discharge()

# #Discharge GW
# for node in self.nodes_type['Groundwater'].values():
# node.distribute()

# #river
# # for node in self.nodes_type['Lake'].values():
# # node.calculate_discharge()
# for node in self.nodes_type['River'].values():
# node.calculate_discharge()

# #Abstract
# for node in self.nodes_type['Reservoir'].values():
# node.make_abstractions()

# for node in self.nodes_type['Land'].values():
# node.apply_irrigation()

# for node in self.nodes_type['WWTW'].values():
# node.make_discharge()

# #Catchment routing
# for node in self.nodes_type['Catchment'].values():
# node.route()

# #river
# # for node in self.nodes_type['Lake'].values():
# # node.distribute()
# for node_name in self.river_discharge_order:
# self.nodes[node_name].distribute()

# #mass balance checking
# #nodes/system
# sys_in = self.empty_vqip()
# sys_out = self.empty_vqip()
# sys_ds = self.empty_vqip()

# #arcs
# for arc in self.arcs.values():
# in_, ds_, out_ = arc.arc_mass_balance()
# for v in constants.ADDITIVE_POLLUTANTS + ['volume']:
# sys_in[v] += in_[v]
# sys_out[v] += out_[v]
# sys_ds[v] += ds_[v]
# for node in self.nodelist:
# # print(
# in_, ds_, out_ = node.node_mass_balance()

# # temp = {'name' :,
# # 'time' : date}
# # for lab, dict_ in zip(['in','ds','out'], [in_, ds_, out_]):
# # for key, value in dict_.items():
# # temp[(lab, key)] = value
# # node_mb.append(temp)

# for v in constants.ADDITIVE_POLLUTANTS + ['volume']:
# sys_in[v] += in_[v]
# sys_out[v] += out_[v]
# sys_ds[v] += ds_[v]

# for v in constants.ADDITIVE_POLLUTANTS + ['volume']:

# #Find the largest value of in_, out_, ds_
# largest = max(sys_in[v], sys_in[v], sys_in[v])

# if largest > constants.FLOAT_ACCURACY:
# #Convert perform comparison in a magnitude to match the largest value
# magnitude = 10**int(log10(largest))
# in_10 = sys_in[v] / magnitude
# out_10 = sys_in[v] / magnitude
# ds_10 = sys_in[v] / magnitude
# else:
# in_10 = sys_in[v]
# ds_10 = sys_in[v]
# out_10 = sys_in[v]

# if (in_10 - ds_10 - out_10) > constants.FLOAT_ACCURACY:
# print("system mass balance error for " + v + " of " + str(sys_in[v] - sys_ds[v] - sys_out[v]))

# #Store results
# for arc in record_arcs:
# arc = self.arcs[arc]
# flows.append({'arc' :,
# 'flow' : arc.vqip_out['volume'],
# 'time' : date})
# for pol in constants.POLLUTANTS:
# flows[-1][pol] = arc.vqip_out[pol]

# for node in record_tanks:
# node = self.nodes[node]
# tanks.append({'node' :,
# 'storage' :['volume'],
# 'time' : date})
# if record_all:
# for node in self.nodes.values():
# for prop_ in dir(node):
# prop = node.__getattribute__(prop_)
# if prop.__class__ in [QueueTank, Tank, ResidenceTank]:
# tanks.append({'node' :,
# 'time' : date,
# 'storage' :['volume'],
# 'prop' : prop_})
# for pol in constants.POLLUTANTS:
# tanks[-1][pol] =[pol]

# for name, node in self.nodes_type['Land'].items():
# for surface in node.surfaces:
# if not isinstance(surface,ImperviousSurface):
# surfaces.append({'node' : name,
# 'surface' : surface.surface,
# 'percolation' : surface.percolation['volume'],
# 'subsurface_r' : surface.subsurface_flow['volume'],
# 'surface_r' : surface.infiltration_excess['volume'],
# 'storage' :['volume'],
# 'evaporation' : surface.evaporation['volume'],
# 'precipitation' : surface.precipitation['volume'],
# 'tank_recharge' : surface.tank_recharge,
# 'capacity' : surface.capacity,
# 'time' : date,
# 'et0_coef' : surface.et0_coefficient,
# # 'crop_factor' : surface.crop_factor
# })
# for pol in constants.POLLUTANTS:
# surfaces[-1][pol] =[pol]
# else:
# surfaces.append({'node' : name,
# 'surface' : surface.surface,
# 'storage' :['volume'],
# 'evaporation' : surface.evaporation['volume'],
# 'precipitation' : surface.precipitation['volume'],
# 'capacity' : surface.capacity,
# 'time' : date})
# for pol in constants.POLLUTANTS:
# surfaces[-1][pol] =[pol]

# for node in self.nodes.values():
# node.end_timestep()

# for arc in self.arcs.values():
# arc.end_timestep()
# if not verbose:
# enablePrint(stdout)
# return flows, tanks, node_mb, surfaces
# return run

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