scripts and converted datasets accordng to IDM RDF (see IDM RDF repository)
BS_dataset/bs2intavia.ttl -
APIS_dataset/apisdata_18-04-2022_edited.ttl -
Enrich person entities with external person ID's from Wikidata SPARQL endpoint using source data's existing owl:sameAs links:
- Wikidata ID -> GND & VIAF (BS, Bionet)
- GND ID -> Wikidata & VIAF (APIS)
- SBI ID -> Wikidata, GND & VIAF (SBI)
See the Jupyter Notebook.
These python notebooks are used to convert Europeana EDM creator and contributor data to Intavia Data Model (IDM). As input the script takes a list of intavia-wikidata sameas triples, the europeana metadata in various subfolders
Using SWI-prolog, the following lines clean the unwanted triples: ?- forall((rdf(A,bioc:had_participant_in_role,R),not(sub_atom(R,,,,''))),(rdf_retractall(R,,),rdf_retractall(,,R))). ?- forall((rdf(A,bioc:had_participant_in_role,R),atomic_list_concat([,WD],'producing_artist',R),atomic_list_concat(['http://',WD],WDU)),rdf_assert(A,ns1:'P11_had_participant',WDU)).