A simple slot machine game running on Telegram. It demonstrates Inco's on-chain randomness and utilizes Privy for embedded wallet creation. You can test your luck by playing the demo version of the game here: https://t.me/inco_slots_demo_bot?game=slots
Written with React + Svelte.
The project uses the following dependencies:
- @privy-io/react-auth for the Privy overlay
- @twa-dev/sdk for Telegram Web API
The game is written using two frameworks:
- React for the Privy overlay.
- Svelte for the game UI.
App.tsx is managing state, using Privy hooks, connects to Inco and sends transactions, makes calls to faucet, etc. SlotMachine.svelte is rendering the game graphics and animations.
First, install cloudflared:
npm i -g cloudflared
Then run:
cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:5173
This will give you a temporary URL pointing to your local server, hold on to it for now and keep the terminal window open.
To run the project locally, run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
Open telegram and search for the BotFather and initiate chat with it. Create a new bot:
[You] - Accept
[You] - /newbot
... complete the steps until BotFather responds with the following:
[BotFather] - Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at t.me/<Bot Username>.
Then do the following:
... BotFather will respond with a list of all your bots.
Choose your newly created bot then press
Bot Settings -> Menu Button -> Edit Menu Button URL
Now respond with the URL provided to you by cloudflared.
Your bot should now be playable. Go to your bot, press "start" and play the game.
This project is deployed on GitHub Pages. To deploy, install github CLI
npm install -g gh
Then run
npm run deploy
Go to your github repository settings and enable GitHub Pages. Set the source to gh-pages branch. Your game should now be live at https://.github.io/
Open telegram and search for the BotFather and initiate chat with it. Create a new bot:
[You] - Accept
[You] - /newbot
... complete the steps until BotFather responds with the following:
[BotFather] - Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at t.me/<Bot Username>.
Then do the following:
... BotFather will respond with a list of all your bots.
Choose your newly created bot then press
Bot Settings -> Menu Button -> Edit Menu Button URL
Now respond with the URL pointing to your repos github page https://<username>.github.io/<repo-name>.
Your bot should now be playable. Go to your bot, press "start" and play the game.