An Angular 2 REST storefront application.
- Sellers list
- Name and category listing
- Links to their own product page
- Add/Edit sellers through a modal
- Seller details
- Seller name, category and image
- Product listing in 2 tabs
- All products tab displays all of the seller's products
- Top 10 tab displays the seller's top selling products
- Responsive layout
- Toast notifications
- Unit tested
- 100% code coverage
- TSLint
- Conforms with the default TSLint configuration for Angular 2
- With the exception of us changing to double quotes
- Conforms with the default TSLint configuration for Angular 2
- Custom favicon
- This amazing README
In order to run Kyber on your own machine, you will need node.js in order to use npm to install the dependencies and run the server.
Run the following command in order to start up the client.
$ sudo npm install -g angular-cli
Run the following command in the Kyber/src/client/ and Kyber/src/server/ folders.
$ npm install
You start up the server by running index.js, located in the Kyber/src/server/ directory, with node. From the root directory of the project run the following command in your CLI.
$ node src/server/chatserver.js
Now the server is up and running on port 5000 by default.
You start up the client by using angular-cli From the client folder of the project (Kyber/src/client/) run the following command in your CLI.
$ ng serve
Wait a bit while it starts up and afterwards the client is accessible via localhost:4200
We use the Angular-CLI as our build system which has webpack at it's core.
- Angular 2 - Framework
- Bootstrap 4 (ng-bootstrap) - Styling and UI
- Toastr (ng2-toastr) - Toast notifications
- ExpressJS - Server
- NPM - Dependency Management
- Jasmine - Unit testing framework
- Karma - Test runner
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details