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Releases: Infocatcher/Private_Tab

v.0.2.3pre (2018-03-23)

23 Mar 10:07
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x Added trick to drag private tab to another window (with disabled multi-process mode, thanks to Dumby) (#242).
+ Added Dutch locale (nl), thanks to TonnesM (#268).
+ Added Bulgarian locale (bg), thanks to Peyu Yovev (#270, #271, #272).
+ Updated Arabic (ar) locale, thanks to tahani5.
* Better appearance of button after last tab in Firefox 57+ (for extensions.legacy.enabled = true, also introduced extensions.privateTab.fixAfterTabsButtonsAccessibility.force preference).
* Compatibility enhancements for Basilisk.
x Fixed generator function usage in Firefox 58+ (bug 1083482).
x Fixed string preferences in Firefox 58+ (bug 1414096).
x Fixed private protocol in Firefox 58+ (strange things with defineGetter(), nsIURI.spec is now read-only) (bug 1431204).
x Fixed inIDOMUtils usage in Firefox 59+, now used window.InspectorUtils (bug 1427419).
x Correctly handle first browser window in Firefox 60+ (browser.startup.blankWindow = true, thanks to Dumby) (bug 1336227).
x Fixed hotkeys hotkeys in Firefox 60+, added replacement for removed nsIDOMKeyEvent bug 1436508.
x Fixed accessing to DownloadsCommon.jsm internals in Firefox 57+.

v.0.2.2 (2017-05-27)

27 May 19:36
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* Updated and corrected PrivateTab:PrivateChanged API event: added ability to track toggling using tab duplication in Firefox 51+ (#244).
* Toggle private state using tab duplication: try restore text in URL bar (#237).
x Fixed private protocol in Firefox 37-43 (caused by nsIIOService.newChannelFromURIWithLoadInfo(…, null) failure) (#247).
* Updated Indonesian (id) locale, thanks to Muhammad Anwari Ramadhan.
x Fixed ability to open new private tab in Firefox 54+ (with browser.newtab.preload = true) (#252).
+ Added privateTab.replaceTabAndTogglePrivate() API.
x Fixed ability to open private:… URI in already opened tab (will be used workaround with tab duplication) (#251).

v. (2017-01-27)

27 Jan 19:48
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x Correctly toggle private state of unloaded (pending) tabs in Firefox 51+ (#237).
x Don't toggle private state of not yet initialized tabs in Firefox 51+ to not break tab's contents: wait for loading and forbid too often toggle state calls (#237).
x Correctly remove wrappers for functions from another extensions like window.TabScope._updateTitle() in Firefox 45+ (now sandboxed, will used trick to get actual window object to store internal data).
x Correctly toggle private state with disabled multi-process mode in Firefox 51+ (#237, #241).
x Correctly toggle private state of pinned tabs in Firefox 51+ (now pinned state will be restored) (#237).

v. (2017-01-21)

21 Jan 15:19
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x Correctly update window title and style, if toggled private state of selected non-remote tab (restored non-remote private tab) in Firefox 51+ (#237, #239).
x Don't save closed private tabs in undo close history after extension disabling (extensions.privateTab.rememberOwnerTab = true).
x Correctly toggle private state of already opened tabs in Firefox 51+: now used more robust way to wait for asynchronous tab duplication (#237).
x Correctly make tabs non-private after extension disabling in Firefox 51+.
x Fixed: fail to startup on new profile (ReferenceError: _log is not defined) (#240).

v.0.2.1 (2017-01-18)

18 Jan 18:38
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* Slightly improved startup performance in multi-process mode: frame script will be loaded after small delay.
x Correctly restore wrapper for browser.swapDocShells() to handle detached tabs in multi-process mode.
* Improved performance in multi-process mode (#234).
* Open all bookmarks: improved compatibility with other extensions like Tree Style Tab (extensions.privateTab.openPlacesInPrivateTabs.callNativeMenuItems preference).
* Improved memory usage in multi-process mode: now used shared content.jsm module for frame scripts (#235).
+ Added privateTab.isTabPrivateAsync() API.
x Fixed compatibility with future Firefox versions: don't use Array generics like Array.forEach() (bug 1222547).
x Correctly open new private tab with preloaded about:newtab in Firefox 52+ (thanks to Dumby).
x Fixed ability to toggle tab private state in Firefox 51+, now will be used duplicated tab (#237).
x Fixed patcher around third-party wrappers (TypeError: Array is undefined) (thanks to Dumby).
x Fixed compatibility with future Firefox versions: don't use deprecated Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat() (bug 818634).
+ Added privateTab.duplicateTabAndTogglePrivate() API.
x Workaround to ignore wrong last-pb-context-exited notification in multi-process mode (bug 1329912).
x Fixed ability to restore closed private tabs in multi-process mode (extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs preference) (#239).

v.0.2.0 (2016-08-25)

25 Aug 18:11
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x Compatibility fixes for multi-process mode (Electrolysis aka e10s) around “unsafe CPOW usage” (#208).
* Updated Portuguese (Portugal) locale (pt-PT), thanks to SW1FT (#210).
x Fixed private protocol in multi-process mode (#211).
x Some tweaks and fixes for multi-process mode (#162).
* Now used only one frame script for communications in multi-process mode (#213).
x Fixed possible recursion in wrapper for tab.setAttribute("image", …) (#214).
x Fixed compatibility with Firefox 51+ (SyntaxError: non-generator method definitions may not contain yield) (#228).
x Fixed detection of duplicated tabs as non-empty (#230).
x Correctly detect tab closing in Firefox 47+ (due to changes in detail property of TabClose event).
x Fixed missing tab favicons in multi-process mode (#224).
+ Added Finnish locale (fi), thanks to hellojole (#226).
* Small internal enhancements and fixes.

v. (2016-02-01)

01 Feb 17:23
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x Fixed syntax error in Firefox 46.0a1+ around generator comprehension (#203).
x Correctly handle view source tabs (#204).
x Respect preference for image documents.
x Links loaded in new private tab becomes non-private (multi-process mode: Electrolysis aka e10s) (#202).
x Correctly update window title and private mode indication in multi-process mode.
* Updated French locale (fr), thanks to Charles Milette (#207).

v.0.1.9 (2016-01-02)

02 Jan 18:46
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* Use new API to get URL of new tab in Firefox 44+ (see bug 1204983).
x Correctly handle drag and drop of tabs between private and non-private windows in Firefox 44+.
+ Added support for user interface for tracking protection in Firefox 42+ (#196).
x Fixed: extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs may break undo close tab feature in some cases (#197).
+ Added Portuguese (Portugal) locale (pt-PT), thanks to SW1FT (#199).

v. (2015-10-24)

24 Oct 18:37
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x Fixed support for private downloads in download panel in Firefox 42+ (#186).
x Fixed: extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs may not work in some cases (see #146).

v.0.1.8 (2015-08-12)

12 Aug 18:03
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x Fixed compatibility with future Firefox versions (bug 1090880, #178).
x Fixed icons of buttons after last tab in Firefox 40+ (#180).
x Use correct URL to open private tab from Windows task bar in Firefox 42+ (see bug 1118285).
x Some compatibility fixes for multi-process mode (Electrolysis aka e10s) (#162).
x Fixed detection of externally opened tabs in Firefox 38+ (#184).