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Implement local version of density interpolation #56

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,14 @@ version = "0.1.0"
DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
ElementaryPDESolutions = "88a69b33-da0f-4502-8c8c-d680cf4d883b"
ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
Gmsh = "705231aa-382f-11e9-3f0c-b7cb4346fdeb"
Infiltrator = "5903a43b-9cc3-4c30-8d17-598619ec4e9b"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LinearMaps = "7a12625a-238d-50fd-b39a-03d52299707e"
NearestNeighbors = "b8a86587-4115-5ab1-83bc-aa920d37bbce"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
QuadGK = "1fd47b50-473d-5c70-9696-f719f8f3bcdc"
Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ext/IntiMeshesExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ function Meshes.viz!(el::Inti.ReferenceInterpolant, args...; kwargs...)

function Meshes.viz(els::AbstractVector{<:Inti.ReferenceInterpolant}, args...; kwargs...)
return viz([to_meshes(el) for el in els])
return viz([to_meshes(el) for el in els], args...; kwargs...)
function Meshes.viz!(els::AbstractVector{<:Inti.ReferenceInterpolant}, args...; kwargs...)
return viz!([to_meshes(el) for el in els])
return viz!([to_meshes(el) for el in els], args...; kwargs...)

function Meshes.viz(msh::Inti.AbstractMesh, args...; kwargs...)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Inti.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ using LinearMaps
using NearestNeighbors
using SparseArrays
using StaticArrays
using QuadGK
using SpecialFunctions
using Printf

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/adaptive.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function adaptive_correction(iop::IntegralOperator; tol, maxdist = nothing, maxs
dict_near = near_interaction_list(X, Y; tol = maxdist)
dict_near = elements_to_near_targets(X, Y; tol = maxdist)
T = eltype(iop)
msh = mesh(Y)
correction = (I = Int[], J = Int[], V = T[])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ function adaptive_integration_singular(f, τ̂::ReferenceLine, x̂ₛ; kwargs...

function near_interaction_list(QX::Quadrature, QY::Quadrature; tol)
function elements_to_near_targets(QX::Quadrature, QY::Quadrature; tol)
X = [coords(q) for q in QX]
msh = mesh(QY)
return near_interaction_list(X, msh; tol)
return elements_to_near_targets(X, msh; tol)
function near_interaction_list(X, QY::Quadrature; tol)
function elements_to_near_targets(X, QY::Quadrature; tol)
msh = mesh(QY)
return near_interaction_list(X, msh; tol)
return elements_to_near_targets(X, msh; tol)

Expand Down
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/bdim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,3 +177,152 @@ function bdim_correction(
δD = sparse(Is, Js, Ds, num_trgs, n)
return δS, δD

function local_bdim_correction(
parameters = DimParameters(),
derivative::Bool = false,
maxdist = Inf,
kneighbor = 1,
imat_cond = imat_norm = res_norm = rhs_norm = -Inf
T = default_kernel_eltype(pde) # Float64
N = ambient_dimension(source)
m, n = length(target), length(source)
msh = source.mesh
qnodes = source.qnodes
neighbors = topological_neighbors(msh, kneighbor)
dict_near = etype_to_nearest_points(target, source; maxdist)
# find first an appropriate set of source points to center the monopoles
qmax = sum(size(mat, 1) for mat in values(source.etype2qtags)) # max number of qnodes per el
ns = ceil(Int, parameters.sources_oversample_factor * qmax)
# compute a bounding box for source points
low_corner = reduce((p, q) -> min.(coords(p), coords(q)), source)
high_corner = reduce((p, q) -> max.(coords(p), coords(q)), source)
xc = (low_corner + high_corner) / 2
R = parameters.sources_radius_multiplier * norm(high_corner - low_corner) / 2
xs = if N === 2
uniform_points_circle(ns, R, xc)
elseif N === 3
fibonnaci_points_sphere(ns, R, xc)
error("only 2D and 3D supported")
# figure out if we are dealing with a scalar or vector PDE
σ = if T <: Number
@assert allequal(size(T))
size(T, 1)
# compute traces of monopoles on the source mesh
G = SingleLayerKernel(pde, T)
γ₁G = DoubleLayerKernel(pde, T)
γ₁ₓG = AdjointDoubleLayerKernel(pde, T)
γ₀B = Matrix{T}(undef, length(source), ns)
γ₁B = Matrix{T}(undef, length(source), ns)
for k in 1:ns
for j in 1:length(source)
γ₀B[j, k] = G(source[j], xs[k])
γ₁B[j, k] = γ₁ₓG(source[j], xs[k])
Is, Js, Ss, Ds = Int[], Int[], T[], T[]
for (E, qtags) in source.etype2qtags
els = elements(msh, E)
near_list = dict_near[E]
nq, ne = size(qtags)
@assert length(near_list) == ne
# preallocate a local matrix to store interpolant values resulting
# weights. To benefit from Lapack, we must convert everything to
# matrices of scalars, so when `T` is an `SMatrix` we are careful to
# convert between the `Matrix{<:SMatrix}` and `Matrix{<:Number}` formats
# by viewing the elements of type `T` as `σ × σ` matrices of
# `eltype(T)`.
M_ = Matrix{eltype(T)}(undef, 2 * nq * σ, ns * σ)
W_ = Matrix{eltype(T)}(undef, 2 * nq * σ, σ)
W = T <: Number ? W_ : Matrix{T}(undef, 2 * nq, 1)
Θi_ = Matrix{eltype(T)}(undef, σ, ns * σ)
Θi = T <: Number ? Θi_ : Matrix{T}(undef, 1, ns)
K = derivative ? γ₁ₓG : G
# for each element, we will solve Mᵀ W = Θiᵀ, where W is a vector of
# size 2nq, and Θi is a row vector of length(ns)
for n in 1:ne
# if there is nothing near, skip immediately to next element
isempty(near_list[n]) && continue
el = els[n]
# copy the monopoles/dipoles for the current element
jglob = @view qtags[:, n]
M0 = @view γ₀B[jglob, :]
M1 = @view γ₁B[jglob, :]
_copyto!(view(M_, 1:(nq*σ), :), M0)
_copyto!(view(M_, (nq*σ+1):2*nq*σ, :), M1)
F_ = qr!(transpose(M_))
@debug (imat_cond = max(cond(M_), imat_cond)) maxlog = 0
@debug (imat_norm = max(norm(M_), imat_norm)) maxlog = 0
# quadrature for auxiliary surface. In global dim, this is the same
# as the source quadrature, and independent of element. In local
# dim, this is constructed for each element using its neighbors.
function translate(q::QuadratureNode, x, s)
return QuadratureNode(coords(q) + x, weight(q), s * normal(q))
nei = neighbors[(E, n)]
qtags_nei = Int[]
for (E, m) in nei
append!(qtags_nei, source.etype2qtags[E][:, m])
qnodes_nei = source.qnodes[qtags_nei]
jac = jacobian(el, 0.5)
ν = -_normal(jac)
h = sum(qnodes[i].weight for i in jglob)*4
qnodes_op = map(q -> translate(q, h * ν, -1), qnodes_nei)
bindx = boundary1d(nei, msh)
l, r = nodes(msh)[-bindx[1]], nodes(msh)[bindx[2]]
Q, W = gauss(4nq, 0, h)
qnodes_l = [QuadratureNode(l.+q.*ν, w, SVector(-ν[2], ν[1])) for (q, w) in zip(Q, W)]
qnodes_r = [QuadratureNode(r.+q.*ν, w, SVector(ν[2], -ν[1])) for (q, w) in zip(Q, W)]
qnodes_aux = append!(qnodes_nei, qnodes_op, qnodes_l, qnodes_r)
# qnodes_aux = source.qnodes # this is the global dim
for i in near_list[n]
# integrate the monopoles/dipoles over the auxiliary surface
# with target x: Θₖ <-- S[γ₁Bₖ](x) - D[γ₀Bₖ](x) + μ * Bₖ(x)
x = target[i]
μ = green_multiplier[i] # - 1/2
for k in 1:ns
Θi[k] = μ * K(x, xs[k])
for q in qnodes_aux
SK = G(x, q)
DK = γ₁G(x, q)
for k in 1:ns
Θi[k] += (SK * γ₁ₓG(q, xs[k]) - DK * G(q, xs[k])) * weight(q)
Θi_ = _copyto!(Θi_, Θi)
@debug (rhs_norm = max(rhs_norm, norm(Θi))) maxlog = 0
W_ = ldiv!(W_, F_, transpose(Θi_))
@debug (res_norm = max(norm(Matrix(F_) * W_ - transpose(Θi_)), res_norm)) maxlog =
W = T <: Number ? W_ : _copyto!(W, W_)
for k in 1:nq
push!(Is, i)
push!(Js, jglob[k])
push!(Ss, -W[nq+k]) # single layer corresponds to α=0,β=-1
push!(Ds, W[k]) # double layer corresponds to α=1,β=0
@debug """Condition properties of bdim correction:
|-- max interp. matrix cond.: $imat_cond
|-- max interp. matrix norm : $imat_norm
|-- max residual error: $res_norm
|-- max norm of source term: $rhs_norm
δS = sparse(Is, Js, Ss, m, n)
δD = sparse(Is, Js, Ds, m, n)
return δS, δD
96 changes: 89 additions & 7 deletions src/mesh.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ for a given mesh).
function elements end


Return the element types present in the `msh`.
Return an iterator for all elements of type `E` on a mesh `msh`.
function element_types end
elements(msh::AbstractMesh, E::DataType) = ElementIterator{E,typeof(msh)}(msh)

struct LagrangeMesh{N,T} <: AbstractMesh{N,T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function connectivity(msh::SubMesh, E::DataType)

near_interaction_list(X,Y::AbstractMesh; tol)
elements_to_near_targets(X,Y::AbstractMesh; tol)

For each element `el` of type `E` in `Y`, return the indices of the points in
`X` which are closer than `tol` to the `center` of `el`.
Expand All @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ fifth element of type `E`.

If `tol` is a `Dict`, then `tol[E]` is the tolerance for elements of type `E`.
function near_interaction_list(
function elements_to_near_targets(
Expand All @@ -538,13 +538,95 @@ function near_interaction_list(
for E in element_types(Y)
els = elements(Y, E)
tol_ = isa(tol, Number) ? tol : tol[E]
idxs = _near_interaction_list(balltree, els, tol_)
idxs = _elements_to_near_targets(balltree, els, tol_)
dict[E] = idxs
return dict

@noinline function _near_interaction_list(balltree, els, tol)
@noinline function _elements_to_near_targets(balltree, els, tol)
centers = map(center, els)
return inrange(balltree, centers, tol)

target_to_near_elements(X::AbstractVector{<:SVector{N}}, Y::AbstractMesh{N};

For each target `x` in `X`, return a vector of tuples `(E, i)` where `E` is the
type of the element in `Y` and `i` is the index of the element in `Y` such that
`x` is closer than `tol` to the center of the element.
function target_to_near_elements(
) where {N}
@assert isa(tol, Number) || isa(tol, Dict) "tol must be a number or a dictionary mapping element types to numbers"
dict = Dict{Int,Vector{Tuple{DataType,Int}}}()
balltree = BallTree(X)
for E in element_types(Y)
els = elements(Y, E)
tol_ = isa(tol, Number) ? tol : tol[E]
idxs = _target_to_near_elements(balltree, els, tol_)
for (i, idx) in enumerate(idxs)
dict[i] = get!(dict, i, Vector{Tuple{DataType,Int}}())
for j in idx
push!(dict[i], (E, j))
return dict

topological_neighbors(msh::LagrangeMesh, k=1)

Return the `k` neighbors of each element in `msh`. The one-neighbors are the
elements that share a common vertex with the element, `k` neighbors are the
one-neighbors of the `k-1` neighbors.

This function returns a dictionary where the key is an `(Eᵢ,i)` tuple denoting
the element `i` of type `E` in the mesh, and the value is a set of tuples
`(Eⱼ,j)` where `Eⱼ` is the type of the element and `j` its index.
function topological_neighbors(msh::AbstractMesh, k = 1)
# dictionary mapping a node index to all elements containing it. Note
# that the elements are stored as a tuple (type, index)
T = Tuple{DataType,Int}
node2els = Dict{Int,Vector{T}}()
for E in element_types(msh)
mat = connectivity(msh, E)::Matrix{Int} # connectivity matrix
np, Nel = size(mat)
for n in 1:Nel
for i in 1:np
idx = mat[i, n]
els = get!(node2els, idx, Vector{T}())
push!(els, (E, n))
# now revert the map to get the neighbors
one_neighbors = Dict{T,Set{T}}()
for (_, els) in node2els
for el in els
nei = get!(one_neighbors, el, Set{T}())
for el′ in els
push!(nei, el′)
# Recursively compute the neighbors from the one-neighbors
k_neighbors = deepcopy(one_neighbors)
while k > 1
# update neighborhood of each element
for el in keys(one_neighbors)
knn = k_neighbors[el]
for el′ in copy(knn)
union!(knn, one_neighbors[el′])
k -= 1
return k_neighbors