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Table of Contents

Build Tools
External Dependencies
Known Issues

## Build Tools ##

Build Tools (Windows)

  1. Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1
  • Note: The project is optimized for VS2010, it is therefore recommended to use it.
  1. Cygwin (needed to cross compile for the real robot):
  • If you like to use linux like ssh+sftp connection, you can install Cygwin too, but its not needed to cross compile for the Nao anymore
  • Get cygwin
  • Install cygwin, for example to C:\cygwin
    • Also install the package openssh: The Open SSH server and client programs
    • For convinience: Install the mintty: Terminal emulator with native Windows look and feel shell package, too.

Build Tools (Linux)

  1. Install the following software with your package manager of your distribution
  • Java (JDK) 6 or 7
  • gcc and g++
  • make
  • zlib: sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
  1. download QtCreator IDE from


  1. Download and install NetBeans
  • Note: NetBeans is used for our Java-based projects, such as RobotControl, Motion Editor, XabslEditor.

Other Tools

  1. Download the XabslEditor (Behavior Editor) from
  1. Download premake4 version 4.4 beta 4 from
    and put it somewhere, where it could be found by the command line, e.g., in windows you could copy it in c:\cygwin\bin or in /usr/bin/ on linux.
## External Dependencies ## 1. (windows) - download the full naoth tool chain and extract it to your project directory [NaoTHToolChain_VS2010.exe]( - set up the pathes - **easy:** run the `setup.bat` as Administrator - **custom:** see point 3. - switch to `/NaoTHSoccer/Make` - run `generate.vcproj2010.bat` to generate your project files **Note:** the generated project files are in `/NaoTHSoccer/build` - open the file `NaoTHSoccer.sln` - now you are ready to compile and run the project
  1. (Linux - Ubuntu 12.10 64 Bit)
  • For Upgrade: In repository execute bzr clean-tree --ignored
  • download the full naoth tool chain and extract it to your project directory
    NaoTHToolChain_Ubuntu64.tar.xz - (unpack with: tar -xkJf <Archiv>)
  • set up the pathes and compile libs
    • easy: run the, say yes to everything.
    • custom: see point 3.
  • switch to <repository>/NaoTHSoccer/Make
    • run premake4 qtc to generate your Qt Creator project files
      Note: the generated project files are in <repository>/NaoTHSoccer/build
    • Chmod 755 the file and run it.
    • run to generate the project's makefiles
    • In the makefile created in the build/ folder, look for the PROJECTS line (near the top). Comment out all projects but NaoTHSoccer, NaoTHCommons and LogSimulator.
    • open the file and NaoTHSoccer.creator and LogSimulator.creator
  • now you are ready to compile and run the project
    • newer glib versions may cause deprecated-declaration warnings. Add -Wno-deprecated-declarations to buildoptions in <repository>/NaoTHSoccer/Make/premake4.lua (line 109)
  1. (optinal) Manual Path configuration
    There are two possibilities to configure the needed paths: environment variables or config file. To set up the manual math configuration with a config file follow these steps:
  • download the template file projectconfig.user.lua
  • copy it to the <repository>/NaoTHSoccer/Make
  • if a path is set to nil in projectconfig.user.lua it will be ignored, so, you have to set only those which you really need
  • Note: you have to copy this file to every repository
## Simulators ## 1. Download and install *Webots 6.3.3* (till *Webots 6.4* possible) - - You have to set `WEBOTS_HOME` either in `projectconfig.user.lua` or in your environment (e.g. ~/.bashrc for Linux). - In `projectconfig.user.lua` search for `WEBOTS_HOME` and replace with `WEBOTS_HOME = ` - Copy content of `WEBOTS_HOME/projects/contests/robotstadium` to `/Framework/Platforms/nao_robocup` - compile Code for Webots - Start Webots and choose as own project a world in `/Framework/Platforms/nao_robocup/worlds` 2. SimSpark - SimSpark-SPL repository (the description for installation can be found in `trunk/spark/INSTALL` and `trunk/rcssserver3d/INSTALL`) ## Known Issues ## - Windows, Visual Studio 2010 - Issue: everything compiles, but the linker gives the following error: `` LINK : fatal error LNK1123: Fehler bei der Konvertierung in COFF: Datei ist ungültig oder beschädigt. `` - Solution: - installing the Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 should help - if not, the only known solution is to *completely uninstall and install Visual Studio 2010 plus Service Pack 1*

Addendum, by Eugenio

The real compiling for the project, hopefully, is actually done with:

  • Go to dnt/
  • Run to get the Nao libraries.
  • Go into NaoTHSoccer/Make
  • Run premake4 --platform=Nao gmake
  • Go in NaoTHSoccer/build
  • Run make -R config=optdebugnao

Now in NaoTHSoccer/dist you should have the stuff you need. Now with NetBeans you can compile NaoSCP, which you can then use to transfer executables and all into the NAO.