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Test predefined always abstain DRep
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palas committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent c138731 commit 2258014
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Showing 2 changed files with 269 additions and 17 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cardano-testnet/src/Testnet/Defaults.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ module Testnet.Defaults
, defaultDRepVkeyFp
, defaultDRepSkeyFp
, defaultDRepKeyPair
, defaultDelegatorStakeKeyPair
, defaultShelleyGenesis
, defaultGenesisFilepath
, defaultYamlHardforkViaConfig
, defaultMainnetTopology
, plutusV3NonSpendingScript
, plutusV3SpendingScript
, defaultDelegatorStakeKeyPair
) where

import Cardano.Api (AnyCardanoEra (..), CardanoEra (..), pshow)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,13 +517,13 @@ defaultDRepKeyPair n = PaymentKeyPair (defaultDRepVkeyFp n) (defaultDRepSkeyFp n

-- | The relative path to stake delegator stake keys in directories created by cardano-testnet
:: Int -- ^ The Stake delegator index (starts at 1)
:: Int -- ^The Stake delegator index (starts at 1)
-> FilePath
defaultDelegatorStakeVkeyFp n = "stake-delegators" </> ("delegator" <> show n) </> "staking.vkey"

-- | The relative path to stake delegator stake secret keys in directories created by cardano-testnet
:: Int -- ^ The Stake delegator index (starts at 1)
:: Int -- ^The Stake delegator index (starts at 1)
-> FilePath
defaultDelegatorStakeSkeyFp n = "stake-delegators" </> ("delegator" <> show n) </> "staking.skey"

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Cardano.Testnet.Test.LedgerEvents.Gov.PredefinedAbstainDRep
( hprop_check_predefined_abstain_drep
) where

import Cardano.Api as Api
import Cardano.Api.Error (displayError)

import Cardano.Testnet

import Prelude

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Lens as AL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word (Word32)
import GHC.Stack (callStack)
import Lens.Micro ((^?))
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import Testnet.Components.Query (getEpochStateView)
import Testnet.Components.DReps (createCertificatePublicationTxBody, createVotingTxBody,
generateVoteFiles, retrieveTransactionId, signTx, submitTx)
import Testnet.Components.Query (EpochStateView, findLargestUtxoForPaymentKey,
getCurrentEpochNo, getEpochStateView, getMinDRepDeposit)
import Testnet.Defaults (defaultDRepKeyPair, defaultDelegatorStakeKeyPair)
import qualified Testnet.Process.Cli as P
import qualified Testnet.Process.Run as H
import qualified Testnet.Property.Utils as H
import Testnet.Runtime
Expand All @@ -28,15 +46,16 @@ import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Stock.IO.Network.Sprocket as IO
-- @DISABLE_RETRIES=1 cabal test cardano-testnet-test --test-options '-p "/Predefined Abstain DRep/"'@
hprop_check_predefined_abstain_drep :: Property
hprop_check_predefined_abstain_drep = H.integrationWorkspace "test-activity" $ \tempAbsBasePath' -> do
-- Start a local test net
-- Start a local test net
conf@Conf { tempAbsPath } <- mkConf tempAbsBasePath'
let tempAbsPath' = unTmpAbsPath tempAbsPath
tempBaseAbsPath = makeTmpBaseAbsPath tempAbsPath

work <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ tempAbsPath' </> "work"

-- Create default testnet with 3 DReps and 3 stake holders delegated, one to each DRep.
let sbe = ShelleyBasedEraConway
let ceo = ConwayEraOnwardsConway
sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo
era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era
fastTestnetOptions = cardanoDefaultTestnetOptions
Expand All @@ -48,20 +67,20 @@ hprop_check_predefined_abstain_drep = H.integrationWorkspace "test-activity" $ \
{ testnetMagic
, poolNodes
, wallets=_wallet0:_wallet1:_wallet2:_
, wallets=wallet0:wallet1:wallet2:_
, configurationFile
<- cardanoTestnetDefault fastTestnetOptions conf

poolNode1 <- H.headM poolNodes
poolSprocket1 <- H.noteShow $ nodeSprocket $ poolRuntime poolNode1
_execConfig <- H.mkExecConfig tempBaseAbsPath poolSprocket1 testnetMagic
execConfig <- H.mkExecConfig tempBaseAbsPath poolSprocket1 testnetMagic

let socketName' = IO.sprocketName poolSprocket1
socketBase = IO.sprocketBase poolSprocket1 -- /tmp
socketPath = socketBase </> socketName'

_epochStateView <- getEpochStateView (File configurationFile) (File socketPath)
epochStateView <- getEpochStateView (File configurationFile) (File socketPath)

startLedgerNewEpochStateLogging testnetRuntime tempAbsPath'

Expand All @@ -70,13 +89,246 @@ hprop_check_predefined_abstain_drep = H.integrationWorkspace "test-activity" $ \
H.note_ $ "Socketpath: " <> socketPath
H.note_ $ "Foldblocks config file: " <> configurationFile

_gov <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> "governance"
gov <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> "governance"

-- ToDo: Do some proposal and vote yes with the first DRep only.
-- ToDo: ASSERT: Check that proposal does NOT pass.
-- ToDo: Take the last two stake delegators and delegate them to "Abstain".
-- ToDo: This can be done using cardano-cli conway stake-address vote-delegation-certificate --always-abstain
-- ToDo: Do some other proposal and vote yes with first DRep only.
-- ToDo: ASSERT: Check the new proposal passes now.
initialDesiredNumberOfPools <- getDesiredPoolNumberValue execConfig

let newNumberOfDesiredPools = fromIntegral (initialDesiredNumberOfPools + 1)

-- Do some proposal and vote yes with the first DRep only
-- and assert that proposal does NOT pass.
void $ desiredPoolNumberProposalTest execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath ceo gov "firstProposal"
wallet0 Nothing [(1, "yes")] newNumberOfDesiredPools initialDesiredNumberOfPools 2

-- Take the last two stake delegators and delegate them to "Abstain".
delegateToAlwaysAbstain execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath sbe gov "delegateToAbstain1"
wallet1 (defaultDelegatorStakeKeyPair 2)
delegateToAlwaysAbstain execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath sbe gov "delegateToAbstain2"
wallet2 (defaultDelegatorStakeKeyPair 3)

-- Do some other proposal and vote yes with first DRep only
-- and assert the new proposal passes now.
let newNumberOfDesiredPools2 = fromIntegral (newNumberOfDesiredPools + 1)
void $ desiredPoolNumberProposalTest execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath ceo gov "secondProposal"
wallet0 Nothing [(1, "yes")] newNumberOfDesiredPools2 newNumberOfDesiredPools2 2

:: (MonadTest m, MonadIO m, H.MonadAssertion m, MonadCatch m)
=> H.ExecConfig
-> EpochStateView
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> ShelleyBasedEra ConwayEra
-> FilePath
-> String
-> PaymentKeyInfo
-> StakingKeyPair
-> m ()
delegateToAlwaysAbstain execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath sbe work prefix
payingWallet skeyPair@(StakingKeyPair vKeyFile _sKeyFile) = do

let era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era

baseDir <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> prefix

-- Create vote delegation certificate
let voteDelegationCertificatePath = baseDir </> "delegation-certificate.delegcert"
void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "stake-address", "vote-delegation-certificate"
, "--always-abstain"
, "--stake-verification-key-file", vKeyFile
, "--out-file", voteDelegationCertificatePath

-- Compose transaction to publish delegation certificate
repRegTxBody1 <- createCertificatePublicationTxBody execConfig epochStateView sbe baseDir "del-cert-txbody"
(File voteDelegationCertificatePath) payingWallet

-- Sign transaction
repRegSignedRegTx1 <- signTx execConfig cEra baseDir "signed-reg-tx"
repRegTxBody1 [ SomeKeyPair (paymentKeyInfoPair payingWallet)
, SomeKeyPair skeyPair]

-- Submit transaction
submitTx execConfig cEra repRegSignedRegTx1

-- Wait two epochs
(EpochNo epochAfterProp) <- getCurrentEpochNo epochStateView
void $ waitUntilEpoch (File configurationFile) (File socketPath) (EpochNo (epochAfterProp + 2))

:: (MonadTest m, MonadIO m, H.MonadAssertion m, MonadCatch m, Foldable t)
=> H.ExecConfig
-> EpochStateView
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> ConwayEraOnwards ConwayEra
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> PaymentKeyInfo
-> Maybe (String, Word32)
-> t (Int, String)
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (String, Word32)
desiredPoolNumberProposalTest execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath ceo work prefix
wallet previousProposalInfo votes change expected epochsToWait = do
let sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo

baseDir <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> prefix

let propVotes :: [(String, Int)]
propVotes = zip (concatMap (uncurry replicate) votes) [1..]
annotateShow propVotes

thisProposal@(governanceActionTxId, governanceActionIndex) <-
makeDesiredPoolNumberChangeProposal execConfig epochStateView (File configurationFile) (File socketPath)
ceo baseDir "proposal" previousProposalInfo (fromIntegral change) wallet

voteChangeProposal execConfig epochStateView sbe baseDir "vote"
governanceActionTxId governanceActionIndex propVotes wallet

(EpochNo epochAfterProp) <- getCurrentEpochNo epochStateView
H.note_ $ "Epoch after \"" <> prefix <> "\" prop: " <> show epochAfterProp

void $ waitUntilEpoch (File configurationFile) (File socketPath) (EpochNo (epochAfterProp + fromIntegral epochsToWait))
desiredPoolNumberAfterProp <- getDesiredPoolNumberValue execConfig

desiredPoolNumberAfterProp === expected

return thisProposal

:: (H.MonadAssertion m, MonadTest m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> H.ExecConfig
-> EpochStateView
-> NodeConfigFile 'In
-> SocketPath
-> ConwayEraOnwards ConwayEra
-> FilePath
-> String
-> Maybe (String, Word32)
-> Word32
-> PaymentKeyInfo
-> m (String, Word32)
makeDesiredPoolNumberChangeProposal execConfig epochStateView configurationFile socketPath
ceo work prefix prevGovActionInfo desiredPoolNumber wallet = do

let sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo
era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era

baseDir <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> prefix

let stakeVkeyFp = baseDir </> "stake.vkey"
stakeSKeyFp = baseDir </> "stake.skey"

_ <- P.cliStakeAddressKeyGen baseDir
$ P.KeyNames { P.verificationKeyFile = stakeVkeyFp
, P.signingKeyFile = stakeSKeyFp

proposalAnchorFile <- H.note $ baseDir </> "sample-proposal-anchor"
H.writeFile proposalAnchorFile "dummy anchor data"

proposalAnchorDataHash <- H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "governance"
, "hash", "anchor-data", "--file-text", proposalAnchorFile

minDRepDeposit <- getMinDRepDeposit execConfig ceo

proposalFile <- H.note $ baseDir </> "sample-proposal-file"

void $ H.execCli' execConfig $
[ "conway", "governance", "action", "create-protocol-parameters-update"
, "--testnet"
, "--governance-action-deposit", show @Integer minDRepDeposit
, "--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file", stakeVkeyFp
] ++ concatMap (\(prevGovernanceActionTxId, prevGovernanceActionIndex) ->
[ "--prev-governance-action-tx-id", prevGovernanceActionTxId
, "--prev-governance-action-index", show prevGovernanceActionIndex
]) prevGovActionInfo ++
[ "--number-of-pools", show desiredPoolNumber
, "--anchor-url", ""
, "--anchor-data-hash", proposalAnchorDataHash
, "--out-file", proposalFile

proposalBody <- H.note $ baseDir </> "tx.body"
txIn <- findLargestUtxoForPaymentKey epochStateView sbe wallet

void $ H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "transaction", "build"
, "--change-address", Text.unpack $ paymentKeyInfoAddr wallet
, "--tx-in", Text.unpack $ renderTxIn txIn
, "--proposal-file", proposalFile
, "--out-file", proposalBody

signedProposalTx <- signTx execConfig cEra baseDir "signed-proposal"
(File proposalBody) [paymentKeyInfoPair wallet]

submitTx execConfig cEra signedProposalTx

governanceActionTxId <- retrieveTransactionId execConfig signedProposalTx

!propSubmittedResult <- findCondition (maybeExtractGovernanceActionIndex sbe (fromString governanceActionTxId))
(unFile configurationFile)
(unFile socketPath)
(EpochNo 30)

governanceActionIndex <- case propSubmittedResult of
Left e ->
H.failMessage callStack
$ "findCondition failed with: " <> displayError e
Right Nothing ->
H.failMessage callStack "Couldn't find proposal."
Right (Just a) -> return a

return (governanceActionTxId, governanceActionIndex)

voteChangeProposal :: (MonadTest m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, H.MonadAssertion m)
=> H.ExecConfig
-> EpochStateView
-> ShelleyBasedEra ConwayEra
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> String
-> Word32
-> [([Char], Int)]
-> PaymentKeyInfo
-> m ()
voteChangeProposal execConfig epochStateView sbe work prefix governanceActionTxId governanceActionIndex votes wallet = do
baseDir <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> prefix

let era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era

voteFiles <- generateVoteFiles execConfig baseDir "vote-files"
governanceActionTxId governanceActionIndex
[(defaultDRepKeyPair idx, vote) | (vote, idx) <- votes]

voteTxBodyFp <- createVotingTxBody execConfig epochStateView sbe baseDir "vote-tx-body"
voteFiles wallet

voteTxFp <- signTx execConfig cEra baseDir "signed-vote-tx" voteTxBodyFp
(paymentKeyInfoPair wallet:[defaultDRepKeyPair n | (_, n) <- votes])
submitTx execConfig cEra voteTxFp

getDesiredPoolNumberValue :: (MonadTest m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => H.ExecConfig -> m Integer
getDesiredPoolNumberValue execConfig = do
govStateString <- H.execCli' execConfig
[ "conway", "query", "gov-state"
, "--volatile-tip"

govStateJSON <- H.nothingFail (Aeson.decode (pack govStateString) :: Maybe Aeson.Value)
let mTargetPoolNum :: Maybe Integer
mTargetPoolNum = govStateJSON
^? AL.key "currentPParams"
. AL.key "stakePoolTargetNum"
. AL._Integer
evalMaybe mTargetPoolNum

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