Code for the Reinforcement Learning lab of Reinforcement Learning and Advanced programming for AI course, MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence 2024/2025 at the University of Verona.
Download Miniconda for your System.
Install Miniconda
- On Linux/Mac
- Use ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-{version}.sh to install.
- sudo apt-get install git (may be required).
- On Windows
- Double click the installer to launch.
- NB: Ensure to install "Anaconda Prompt" and use it for the other steps.
- On Linux/Mac
Set-Up conda environment:
- git clone
- conda env create -f RL-Lab/tools/rl-lab-environment.yml
Python virtual environments users (venv) can avoid the Miniconda installation. The following package should be installed:
- scipy, numpy, gym
- jupyter, matplotlib, tqdm
- tensorflow, keras
Following the link to the code snippets for the lessons:
First Semester
- Lesson 1: MDP and Gym Environments Slides, Code, Results
- Lesson 2: Multi-Armed Bandit Slides, Code, Results
- Lesson 3: Monte Carlo RL methods Slides, Code, Results
- Lesson 4: Temporal difference methods Slides, Code, Results
- Lesson 5: Dyna-Q Slides, Code, Results
Extra exercise
This repo includes a set of introductory tutorials to help accomplish the exercises. In detail, we provide the following Jupyter notebook that contains the basic instructions for the lab:
- Tutorial 1 - Gym Environment: Here!
- Teaching assistant: Gabriele Roncolato - [email protected]
- Professor: Alberto Castellini - [email protected]