Requirements • Installation • Thanks to • Official Group Bot • Donate
Alpahbot-Md adalah bot yang awalnya memakai base dari Chikabot, sekarang pindah base Hisoka-Morou. Alphabot-Md is a bot whatsapp using a Baileys library. Jika kamu menemukan semacam bug, harap untuk dimaklumi sementara
- Tonton Di YouTube
- Salin Url database mongoDB
- Constoh
worker: node . --db 'Link Database MongoDb'
- Contoh
worker: node . --db 'mongodb+srv://mongodb-bot:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
global.autoread = false // auto read pesan / message
global.autorecording = true //status auto merekam ( auto record )
global.autoketik = false //status auto mengetik (auto typing)
global.available = false //status online (online)
// Other
global.botname = "Alphabot-Mdོ"
global.ownername= "ᴹᴿ᭄ ZeeoneOfcོ ×፝֟͜×"
global.myweb ="" = ""
global.github = "" = "[email protected]"
global.region = "Indonesia"
global.ownernomer = "62887435047326"
global.ownernomerr = "+62887435047326"
global.thumbnail = "./image/lol.jpg"
global.donasi = "./image/donasi.jpg"
global.background_welcome="" // maks size 30kb, agar welcome image nya tdk delay
global.owner = ["62887435047326","62887435047326","6285342106390"] //ganti agar fitur owner bisa di gunakan
global.packname = '© Alphabot-Mdོ' //sticker wm = 'Di Buat Oleh ZeeoneOfc' //sticker wm
global.sessionName = 'session'
Dika | Nurutomo |
Owner Hisoka-Morou | Constributor |
Mhankbarbar | Fatih A. |
Constributor | For Help |
Ferdiz | Rashid |
For Help | Owner Chikabot |
Adiwajshing | zeeone-ofc |
Owner of Baileys | Owner of Api Alphabot |