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Queue system update!

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@ItsTheSky ItsTheSky released this 15 Nov 19:17
· 3 commits to master since this release

This pretty big update implemented whole new features: Queues!
Queues are made for huge data management, and only advanced users should use them.
You can create a queue for a specific path, then every change made to it will be queued, but not saved to the file yet.
Make the changes you want, and save the file one time with all these values by restarting the queue!

Example code:

create shortcut for "plugins/Test/test.json" as "config"
start queue for "config" # After this effect, every change made to "config" will be queued and not saved
set value "test" of "config" to true
set value "Hello.World" of "config" to 30
save queue for "config" # Every change will be saved here

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0