Releases: IvanKuchin/pancreas_segmentation
Releases · IvanKuchin/pancreas_segmentation
Changelog ...
- Infreastructure: docker modifications @IvanKuchin (#59)
- Infreastructure: modified .dockerignore @IvanKuchin (#58)
🚀 Features
- Feature: enable rotation augmentation @IvanKuchin (#52)
- Feature: save best checkpoints during training @IvanKuchin (#50)
- Feature: prediction @IvanKuchin (#49)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Bugfix: incorrect container entrypoint @IvanKuchin (#63)
- Bugfix: incorrect container entrypoint @IvanKuchin (#62)
- Bugfix: package binary fail to exexute @IvanKuchin (#60)
- Bugfix: minor bugfixes @IvanKuchin (#54)
- Bugfix: mask applies to segmentes pancreas on inference @IvanKuchin (#53)
- Bugfix: pacreas mask didn't applyed to training set @IvanKuchin (#48)
🧰 Maintenance
- Infrastructure: containerazition @IvanKuchin (#61)
- Infrastructure: packaging made from pyproject.toml @IvanKuchin (#57)
- Infrastructure: docker added @IvanKuchin (#56)
- Infrastructure: enable segmentatation @IvanKuchin (#55)
- code refinement @IvanKuchin (#51)
Changelog ...
- updated requirements @IvanKuchin (#44)
- clean-up opencv @IvanKuchin (#42)
- Code refactoring @IvanKuchin (#41)
🚀 Features
- Feature: added random scalling @IvanKuchin (#47)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Bugfix: TF implementation incorrect calculate F1 @IvanKuchin (#46)
- deprecation notice fix @IvanKuchin (#45)
- bugfix: data loader int->float @IvanKuchin (#43)
Segmentation network
Changelog ...
- Disable dropout @IvanKuchin (#40)
- Change DSC gamma 0.001 -> 1.0 (suppose to improve generalization) @IvanKuchin (#35)
- wip: tile dataset @IvanKuchin (#29)
- Pancreas min/max HU calculation @IvanKuchin (#26)
- Model output shape replaced from array to a single tensor @IvanKuchin (#25)
- Change pacreas HU from [-512, 1024] -> [-310, 390] @IvanKuchin (#23)
- Loss function changed as described: @IvanKuchin (#20)
- syncing model builds in tests with config @IvanKuchin (#19)
- Turn off debugging output @IvanKuchin (#18)
- disable terminateonNaN @IvanKuchin (#16)
- save checkpoint on each epoch @IvanKuchin (#15)
- performance improvements @IvanKuchin (#10)
🚀 Features
- Feature: add regularization @IvanKuchin (#38)
- Feature: add metric IoU @IvanKuchin (#36)
- Feature: add loss function factory @IvanKuchin (#33)
- Feature: different ways of calculating slice thickness @IvanKuchin (#32)
- Feature: different ways of calculating slice thickness @IvanKuchin (#31)
- Feature:Added factory of tile/no-tile prep DS @IvanKuchin (#30)
- Feature: tiling training dataset @IvanKuchin (#27)
- Feature: added GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS @IvanKuchin (#24)
- Feature: significant architecture changes @IvanKuchin (#22)
- Feature: added DICE loss @IvanKuchin (#21)
- Feature: added pancreas histogram @IvanKuchin (#17)
- Feature: rescale dataset to the target resolution and different zoom levels @IvanKuchin (#12)
- Enhancement: inroduce config parameter TRAIN_PASSES_PER_VALIDATION @IvanKuchin (#9)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- turn off debugging @IvanKuchin (#39)
- Bugfix: incorrect Z-axis orientation @IvanKuchin (#34)
- Bugfix: random number generator must be [low, high) @IvanKuchin (#28)
- Bugfix: incorrect import statement @IvanKuchin (#14)
- turn-off debugging @IvanKuchin (#13)
- Regression commit f009de5: consider only .nrrd and .dcim files @IvanKuchin (#7)
🧰 Maintenance
- code refinement @IvanKuchin (#37)