JavaRush Telegram bot from community for community. Written by developers, who learned in Javarush.
The main idea is to show how to create real application, which can be used by someone else. There are set of posts, which are describing step by step guidelines of how it was created.
As a user, I want to subscribe on group of posts and get notification via telegram-bot every time, when new post, related to group subscriptions, has come.
Based on MVP Scope, we can specify next behaviours (here and after Telegram User, which is using JavaRush Telgegram bot will call User):
- User can subscribe on group of posts
- User can view list of group subscriptions on which user subscribes
- User can unsubscribe from group of posts
- User can set an inactive bot and do not receive notifications
- User can restart getting notifications
The workflow of finding new posts and send them to subscribers can be viewed here:
Deployment process as easy as possible: Required software:
- terminal for running
- docker
- docker-compose
to deploy application, switch to needed branch and run docker-compose up --build -d
That's all.
For local development and testing, use docker-compose-test.yml
Run command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up
Next step, is to run SpringBoot app with configured Edit Configuration in which two env vars are provided:
And add VM Options:
With these configurations - run SpringBoot main method.
- SpringBoot as a skeleton framework
- Spring Scheduler as a task manager
- MySQL database as a database for saving user and subscription info
- Flyway database migration tool
- Telegram-bot SpringBoot starter
- Spring Data starter
- Unirest - lib for working with REST calls
Please, follow Code of Conduct page.
This project is Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
Feel free to suggest new features via github issue. Note, that new features must be approved before start implement it to avoid the situation, when the time was spent, but the changes wouldn't added to the project.