In the middle of the page you can see a white block, you can modify the date with the extern calendar or write manually
Only write dates between 2000 and today, because the API don´t have information on those dates. When you modify the date, the image, copyright, and text change
The NASA API´s is free 💸. But is necessary a key for use, you can request one in Nasa webSite in Get Started, complete the form, and the key will be send to your email.
🔨 All have diferent Key Api So if my code don´t run in your laptop maybe is because the key expired, but only need enter in Nasa WebSite and request a new one. Replace the new key in this environment 🔑queryKey in script.js .
The Astronomy Picture Day this website of nasa is on the most popular website, it has the populas appeal of a Justin Bieber video. This endpoint structures the APOD imagery and associated metadata so that it can be repurposed for other applications. In additio, if the concept_tags parameter is set to TRUE, then keyword derived from the image explanation are returned.
Only 4 documents are important in the code 💻 the other are part of a library similar to bootstrap. If you download bootstrap in the App will be run perfect to. This documents is important for you if you want modify.
- index.html
- style.css
- parallax.js
- script.js
I modify the vectors in photoshop to create a only attractive application and modify manualy the with
The architecture made easier because i use a library similar to boostrap, making rows and cols to build the app. In some parte i implement flex-box to organize, but boostrap also includes it.
I love the animation of the moon is pure css, the challenge did the creaters and the little satelite animation´s. The parallax only read the value of windows scroll, and move all the images, the second work are the desing in Photoshop