//you can use char as values from 0 to 65535
char[] toEncode="AABBWWSD".toCharArray();
//Max length of input char[] can be 65535.
//Return encoded sequence as char[].
//Return char[] length is 3*values.length.
//Sequence is [length1, position1, value1, length2, position2, value2, ...]
char[] encoded=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.encode(toEncode);
//This is faster algorithm to get value at index
//Input char[] must be divisible by 3.
//Max length of input char[] can be 196605.
//Return char as int.
//If found index then return char with value
//else return -1
char index=2;
int valueInt=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.getValueAt(encoded, index);
char valueChar;
System.out.println("Not found value at index="+(int)index);
//This is naive algorithm to get value at index
//Input char[] must be divisible by 3.
//Max length of input char[] can be 196605.
//Return char as int.
//If found index then return char with value
//else return -1
int valueInt2=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.getValueAtNaiveAlgorithm(encoded, index);
char valueChar2;
System.out.println("Not found value at index="+(int)index);
//This is faster algorithm to change value at index
//Input char[] must be divisible by 3.
//Max length of input char[] can be 196605.
//Return new encoded char[] with changed newValue at index.
//If something go wrong char[] is null
char newValue='U'
char[] encoded2=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.setValueAt(encoded, index, newValue);
System.out.println("Something go wrong with re-encoding at index="+(int)index+" with value="+(char)newValue);
//This is naive algorithm to change value at index
//Input char[] must be divisible by 3.
//Max length of input char[] can be 196605.
//Return new encoded char[] with changed newValue at index.
//If something go wrong throw exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
char[] encoded3=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.setValueAtNaiveAlgorithm(encoded, index, newValue);
//Input char[] must be divisible by 3.
//Max length of input char[] can be 196605.
//Return char[] with decoded values.
//Return char[] length is parleValues.length/3.
//Sequence is [value1, value2, ...]
char[] decoded=PositionAwareRunLengthEncoding16Bits.decode(encoded2);
###More info: