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Ixiko committed Jun 18, 2022
1 parent e421acb commit 6b25b92
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Showing 685 changed files with 796,645 additions and 9,850 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions AHK_V2/Color_Picker_Dialog.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
; AHK v2
; originally posted by maestrith

; ===============================================================
; Example
; ===============================================================

; global cc, defColor
; cc := 0x00FF00 ; green
; defColor := [0xAA0000,0x00AA00,0x0000AA]

; oGui := Gui("-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox","Choose Color")
; oGui.OnEvent("close",close_event)
; oGui.OnEvent("escape",close_event)
; oGui.AddButton("w150","Choose Color").OnEvent("click",choose_event)
; oGui.BackColor := cc
; oGui.Show("")
; return

; choose_event(ctl,info) {
; Global cc, defColor

; hwnd := ctl.gui.hwnd ; grab hwnd
; cc := "0x" ctl.gui.BackColor ; pre-select color from gui background (optional)

; cc := ColorSelect(cc,hwnd,&defColor,0) ; specifying start color, parent window, starting custom colors, and basic display

; If (cc = -1)
; return

; colorList := ""
; For k, v in defColor ; if user changes Custom Colors, they will be stored in defColor array
; If v
; colorList .= "Index: " k " / Color: " Format("0x{:06X}",v) "`r`n"

; ctl.gui.BackColor := cc ; set gui background color

; If cc
; msgbox "Output color: " cc "`r`n`r`nCustom colors saved:`r`n`r`n" Trim(colorList,"`r`n")
; }

; close_event(guiObj) {
; ExitApp
; }

; ===============================================================
; END Example
; ===============================================================

; =============================================================================================
; Parameters
; =============================================================================================
; Color = Start color (0 = black) - Format = 0xRRGGBB
; hwnd = Parent window
; custColorObj = Array() to load/save custom colors, must be &VarRef
; disp = 1=full / 0=basic ... full displays custom colors panel, basic does not
; =============================================================================================
; All params are optional. With no hwnd the dialog will show at top left of screen. Use an
; object serializer (like JSON) to save/load custom colors to/from disk.
; =============================================================================================

ColorSelect(Color := 0, hwnd := 0, &custColorObj := "",disp:=false) {
Static p := A_PtrSize
disp := disp ? 0x3 : 0x1 ; init disp / 0x3 = full panel / 0x1 = basic panel

If (custColorObj.Length > 16)
throw Error("Too many custom colors. The maximum allowed values is 16.")

Loop (16 - custColorObj.Length)
custColorObj.Push(0) ; fill out custColorObj to 16 values

CUSTOM := Buffer(16 * 4, 0) ; init custom colors obj
CHOOSECOLOR := Buffer((p=4)?36:72,0) ; init dialog

If (IsObject(custColorObj)) {
Loop 16 {
custColor := RGB_BGR(custColorObj[A_Index])
NumPut "UInt", custColor, CUSTOM, (A_Index-1) * 4

NumPut "UInt", CHOOSECOLOR.size, CHOOSECOLOR, 0 ; lStructSize
NumPut "UPtr", hwnd, CHOOSECOLOR, p ; hwndOwner
NumPut "UInt", RGB_BGR(color), CHOOSECOLOR, 3 * p ; rgbResult
NumPut "UPtr", CUSTOM.ptr, CHOOSECOLOR, 4 * p ; lpCustColors
NumPut "UInt", disp, CHOOSECOLOR, 5 * p ; Flags

if !DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor", "UPtr", CHOOSECOLOR.ptr, "UInt")
return -1

custColorObj := []
Loop 16 {
newCustCol := NumGet(CUSTOM, (A_Index-1) * 4, "UInt")
custColorObj.InsertAt(A_Index, RGB_BGR(newCustCol))

Color := NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR, 3 * A_PtrSize, "UInt")
return Format("0x{:06X}",RGB_BGR(color))

RGB_BGR(c) {
return ((c & 0xFF) << 16 | c & 0xFF00 | c >> 16)

; typedef struct tagCHOOSECOLORW { offset size (x86/x64)
; DWORD lStructSize; |0 | 4
; HWND hwndOwner; |4 / 8 | 8 /16
; HWND hInstance; |8 /16 | 12/24
; COLORREF rgbResult; |12/24 | 16/28
; COLORREF *lpCustColors; |16/28 | 20/32
; DWORD Flags; |20/32 | 24/36
; LPARAM lCustData; |24/40 | 28/48 <-- padding for x64
; LPCCHOOKPROC lpfnHook; |28/48 | 32/56
; LPCWSTR lpTemplateName; |32/56 | 36/64
; LPEDITMENU lpEditInfo; |36/64 | 40/72

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