Stock Overflow is a Stock Market themed Stack Overflow clone. Users can ask questions, respond to questions and vote for questions that they felt were helpful.
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The stock market influences many people's daily lives and cryptocurrency is exploding around the world! People have many questions! This site is going to be a one-stop-shop for all of your questions regarding stocks or cryptocurrency specifically and here's why:
Your time is valuable,
and having a dedicated resource focused on this topic will make it easier to get your questions answered. -
You shouldn't have to search for hours to find dedicated threads for your stock and crypto questions. Here, you have
everything you need in one place
* Javascript
* Pug
* Express
- If you'd like to visit a live version of the site, we are hosted on Heroku!
- Users can create a new account, login, and logout!
- Users can use a demo login to try the site!
- Users can't ask questions or respond to questions unless they are logged in.
- Logged in users can edit their password.
- Logged in users can delete their account.
- Logged in users can ask questions which creates a new thread.
- Logged in users can edit or delete their own Questions.
- All users can view questions regardless of login status.
- Logged in users can post responses to question threads.
- Logged in users can edit or delete their own responses.
- All users can view responses regardless of login status.
- Logged in users can upvote or downvote questions.
- All users can search for questions using the searchbar.
- Logged in users can add tags to their questions upon creation.
- All users can click on a tag that is on a question and view a page with all questions that tag is associated with.
git clone
npm install
npm start
navigate to localhost:8080