- Austin, TX
- https://johnguestdev.com
- @johnguestdev
trackerbot Public
This application was designed as a personal organizational tool and a fun way to record the location of objects around the house. Ruby on Rails/React/Redux.
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
ChickenTinder Public
A Tinder-style single-page application for choosing somewhere to eat. Composed entirely of Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails. Players type in a search query, vote on the search results, and …
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
market-manager Public
Ralis demonstroation of ActiveRecord association/validations/custom validations, OAuth, nested resources, nested attributes and more.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
todomvc Public
Ruby on Rails copy-cat of ToDo MVC Vanilla JavaSctipt example
Ruby UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
partials-layouts Public
A practice Rails app for DRY using partials and layouts
Ruby UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
registration-app Public
Practice for nested forms and associations in rails
Ruby UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
market-orders Public
Sinatra/ActiveRecord tool for taking customer orders.
svelte-login Public
A very dynamic and over the top Svelte powered login form that informs the user in real-time as to the validation of the current input by updating text color and displaying a colorized meter that i…
scaffold-eth Public template
Forked from scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth🏗 forkable Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations
CSS MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2022 -
scaffold-eth-examples Public
Forked from scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-examplesScaffold-Eth 🏗 examples repo
CSS MIT License UpdatedMar 27, 2022 -
domain-starter Public
Forked from AlmostEfficient/domain-starterThis project allows a user to build their own ENS on Polygon
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2022 -
epic-client Public
Front-end for an NFT marketplace. Connects to wallet and mints randomly generated NFT that is stored on-chain as an SVG. Links to the collection and the and any new mints are provided to the user. …
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2022 -
awesome-solidity-deployments Public
Forked from drinkius/awesome-solidity-deploymentsAn open list of verified deployments of common tools and libraries across EVM chains
UpdatedMar 9, 2022 -
buildspace-dao-starter Public
Forked from buildspace/buildspace-dao-starterHTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 17, 2022 -
wave-portal Public
This is the React client for a Solidity smart-contract that uses the blockchain to store messages and display them.Messaging DApp that stores messages on the blockchain. Each message enters the sen…
DALL-E Public
Forked from openai/DALL-EPyTorch package for the discrete VAE used for DALL·E.
Python Other UpdatedDec 24, 2021 -
web3_py_simple_storage Public
Simple smart contract with Solidity and Python
Python UpdatedDec 9, 2021