You can download the RGB-D EPFL-LAB dataset for testing here.
You must first copy the dataset into the folder utils/dataset/
as follows:
- First download the file
of the link in here. - Once unzipped, copy and paste the
folder in the following path.
$ cd catkin_ws/src/cimat_sort_rgbd/utils/dataset/
You can also do the following from the terminal to download with the help of wget
$ cd catkin_ws/src/cimat_sort_rgbd/utils/dataset/
$ wget -O epfl_lab.tar.gz ""
$ tar -xzvf epfl_lab.tar.gz
$ rm epfl_lab.tar.gz
Bagautdinov, T., Fleuret, F., & Fua, P. (2015, June). Probability occupancy maps for occluded depth images. In The ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr).