Alpine image for use with Steam (MUSL Libc)
To my knowledge this currently has no use since is not available for MUSL Libc, it might be possible to make an ABI compatible alternative with Open Steam Works. Will have to look into it.
Looking for a DepotDownloader replacement that is not dependent on dotNET.
This image is only for use with Steam distributed software that does not depend on GNU Libc (Glibc) such as software written in Java.
FROM: jjtc/steam:latest
RUN ddler -app 406800 -os linux -dir out-of-reach/ -validate \
&& apk update \
&& apk add --no-cache openjdk8-jre-base
EXPOSE 19933/tcp 27010/udp 27010/tcp 27016/udp 27016/tcp
VOLUME ["/home/steam/out-of-reach/xxxxxxxxxxxx"]
CMD [ "/home/steam/out-of/reach/SFS2X/sfs2x-service start" ]