Java based web service that navigates an imaginary robotic cleaner through an oil spill in the sea.
- Sea area dimensions as X and Y coordinates, identifying the top right corner of the area rectangle. This area is divided up into a grid using these dimensions; an area that has dimensions
X: 5
andY: 5
has 5 columns and 5 rows, so 25 possible cleaner positions. The bottom left corner is the point of origin for our coordinate system, so the bottom left corner of the area is defined byX: 0
andY: 0
. - Locations of patches of oil, also defined by
coordinates identifying the bottom left corner of those grid positions. - The initial cleaner position (X and Y coordinates like patches of oil)
- Navigation instructions (as cardinal directions where e.g.
mean "go north" and "go east" respectively) - The tide does not impact this simulation - the patches of oil remain in the same place throughout the execution of the program.
- The area will be rectangular, has no obstacles and all locations in the area will be clean (cleaning has no effect) except for the locations of the patches of oil presented in the program input.
- Navigating the cleaner onto a patch of oil removes the oil so that patch is then clean for the remainder of the program run. The cleaner is always on - there is no need to enable it.
- In the program input attempts to navigate the cleaner outside of the boundary of the defined area an appropriate error should be returned.
The goal of the service is to take the area dimensions, the locations of the oil patches, the initial location of the cleaner and the navigation instructions as input and to then output the following:
- The final cleaner position (X, Y)
- The number of patches of oil the robot cleaned up
Program input will be received in a JSON payload with the format described here.
"areaSize" : [5, 5],
"startingPosition" : [1, 2],
"oilPatches" : [
[1, 0],
[2, 2],
[2, 3]
"navigationInstructions" : "NNESEESWNWW"
Service output should be returned as JSON.
Example (matching the input above):
"finalPosition" : [1, 3],
"oilPatchesCleaned" : 1
Where coords
are the final coordinates of the cleaner and patches
is the number of cleaned patches.
- Java 12
- Spring Boot