A simple shopping list application in Python using the Python interactive shell.
- Install Python for your OS (it might be pre-installed): https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download
- Make sure the installed Python version is Python 3
Git Clone
orGit Fork
this repo to get theshopping_list.py
- Start up file by using Python interactive shell and type:
> python shopping_list.py
- You will be given the HELP prompt as displayed below:
What do you need to pick up at the store?
Enter 'SHOW' to show current list of items.
Enter 'REMOVE' to delete an item from list.
Enter 'DONE' to stop adding items.
Enter 'HELP' for this help.
- Start typing an item to add to the shopping list, press ENTER to add each item
- On subsequent items to be added to the list, you will be prompted to specify the number where the item should go, such as below:
Your Shopping list:
1. apples
What number should bananas be on the list?
Press ENTER to add to the end of the list
- To remove an item, simply enter command REMOVE and type the item you would like to remove
Your Shopping list:
1. apples
2. bananas
3. oranges
4. carrots
What would you like to remove?
> carrots
- Finally, finish the list and exit program by entering DONE, this command will also print your shopping list to a file called
located in the same directory as yourshopping_list.py
- Python for Beginners: https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
- Python Setup and Usage: https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html
- Shop_PY PLUS
- Full Web App
- Language: Python
- Web Framework: Flask
- Database: SQLite
- Full Web App