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Releases: Jacalz/sparta

0.8.0 - The first stable release

28 Jun 15:16
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Version 0.8.0 is the first stable release of Sparta. It contains a fail few smaller improvements and fixes.


  • Fixed wording of "Delete all saved activities" that should have been "Delete all saved exercises".
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Delete all saved exercises" to not work.
  • Cleaned up the assets inside internal/assets.
    • Dropped icons that were unused for a long time.
  • Stopped bundling 256px and 512px icons in the application binaries.
    • This reduces the size of the compiled application.
  • Apply a couple fixes and cleanups suggested by staticcheck.
  • Cleaned up the Makefile to work better.

Fixes for the fifth beta

18 Jun 16:18
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This is a smaller bug fix release for fixing a spelling error.

Fifth Beta - Massive underlying changes

18 Jun 15:06
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This is a big release that changes lots of the underlying code for better security among many other changes. It is the first release after being released as open source.


  • Big refraction of the gui code.
  • Reworked and refactored back-end code.
    • Added multi user support.
    • Better security by dropping SHA-256 for Argon2 key derivation.
  • A new login screen that works great on mobile and desktop.
  • Disable share button when receiving in synchronization.
  • Omit json fields that are empty.
    • Should make loading and parsing json a bit faster.
  • Use regular expression checks for sync code.
  • Update the regular expression checks to be much stricter.
  • Improved password and username checks.
  • improved error handling and printing errors to the ui.
  • Rework the code for the extended entry widget.
  • Add an about page with logo and release link.
  • Upgrade wormhole-william to v1.0.3.
  • Update the Makefile to better work with fyne-cross v2.0.0.
  • Use fyne-cross v2.0.0 for building release binaries.
    • This means that binaries are built using Go 1.13.11.
    • Opens up the possibility of Android and OpenBSD releases in the future.
  • Upgrade fyne to v1.3.0.
    • We are now using text wrapping where it makes sense.

Forth Beta - More Fixes and Improvements

08 Mar 17:26
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The next step in cleaning up and getting the code-base ready for becoming public in the near future.


  • Improve the experience when logging in with the wrong account.
  • Changed share wording to sync instead.
  • Show sync errors with error popups in the GUI.
  • Update in-memory login credentials when changing password or username.
  • Added support for up/down arrows and enter to execute for username and password change entries in settings.
  • How a popup telling the sender if the sync completed.
  • Switch from activity wording to exercise.
  • Clear the sync code on successful sync.
  • In general a better sync experience for users.
  • Improved file handling and better error messages (breaking change).
  • Fix a couple security issues brought up by gosec.
  • Move theme select to beginning to hopefully fix windows weirdness.
  • A bunch of spelling fixes.
  • Update fyne-cross to v1.4.0.
    • All binaries are now built with Go 1.13.8 over the 1.12.x series.
      • This means that MacOS 10.11 El Capitan is the minimum supported version.
      • Defer uses in the codebase should be around 30% faster.
  • Updated fyne to v1.2.3 for a bunch of fixes.
  • Switched from shell scripts to makefiles for common operations.
    • Added make check command for running gosec, misspell and gofmt for major checks over the whole codebase.

Third Beta - Improvements and Fixes

24 Feb 20:16
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The third beta adds a lot of useful changes and fixes a lot of smaller issues.


  • A substantial code refractor of the user interface to cleanup code and remove use of global variables.
  • Added an option to change the username in the settings.
  • Improve the experience on the first start of the application.
  • Better password input checking when changing it inside the settings.
  • Switch from AES-256 to AES-512/256 (breaking change).
  • Avoid code duplication between share and file operation code.
  • Major sort change to sort all exercises after when they occurred instead of when they were added.
  • Fix an issue where nothing would be displayed if the exercises file existed but still was empty after several app starts.
  • Make sure that the settings reset to light theme and not dark (missed during change of default).
  • Switch between login entry widgets using key up and key down.
  • Abort and show error if user tries to share with nothing to share.
  • Use the correct way to change selected option in the theme switcher.

Second Beta - Big release with lots of changes

20 Feb 11:21
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The huge 0.4.0 release brings a lot of useful features. Among the most interesting changes are end-to-end encrypted exercises sharing over local network, fixes for potential security issues and roughly three times faster storage of exercises.


  • The password inside the password entry is now cleared from memory after login.
  • Internal optimization to reduce draw calls when showing exercises directly on start.
  • Improved input checking in password changer to avoid changing password to an invalid password.
  • Fixed a lot of potential security issues reported by gosec.
  • Settings page is now separated in to groups for better clarity.
  • Make the settings scrollable on smaller screens.
  • Added option to reset all settings to their default values.
  • Added strict input checking using regular expressions for the add activity view.
  • Store reps and sets as unsigned ints (possible due to regex input checking).
  • Use internal fyne preferences api for settings storage (breaking change).
  • Move exercises into the fyne config path (breaking change).
  • Switch from xml to json files for exercises storage (breaking change).
    • Json is about 3x faster than xml and should show slight speed improvements.
  • Added end-to-end encrypted local network exercise sharing support between devices (using wormhole-william).
  • Changed default theme to light.
  • Upgraded to a newer version of
  • Upgraded fyne to v1.2.2, which brings the following changes for Sparta:
    • Horizontal scrolling when holding down the shift key.
    • Pasting unicode characters could cause a panic.
    • Shortcuts are now handled by the event queue - fixed possible deadlock.
    • When auto scaling check the monitor in the middle of the window, not top left.
    • Update scale on Linux to be "auto" by default (and numbers are relative to 96DPI standard).
    • Scale calculations are now relative to system scale - the default "1" matches the system.
  • Package MacOS releases as .zip files instead of tar.gz.

First Beta - Major UI rework and new features

19 Jan 17:02
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The release of 0.3.0 is the first beta release and marks a big milestone in Sparta development. A lot of absolutely needed features have been added and the user interface has been improved a lot.


  • Major UI rework for better design visuals and more options by using tabs.
  • Added a settings page to give the user more control over the application.
  • Added support for changing between ligth and dark themes.
  • Added support for changing the password in settings.
  • Added support for deleteing all activity data.
  • Added a button to cancel the form input and clear all data inside the form.
  • Clean the text in the form on submit.
  • Packaged icons are generlla in higher definition.
  • Delete the password value from memory after it has been used.
  • Added support for showing error and preventing login if entered password is incorrect.
  • Big code cleanups and lots of code refactoring.

Forth Alpha - New release with a bunch of new features

10 Jan 19:11
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The forth alpha is a pretty big release featuring bug fixes, improvements and new features.


  • Insecure passwords now print an error when the length is lower than 8 characters.
  • The Fyne toolkit was updated from 1.2.0 to in development version of 1.2.2 for bug fixes to enable new features.
  • Login on the press of the return key (possible thanks to bug fixes in Fyne 1.2.2).
  • Updates to gui sizes, layouts and error messages.
  • Enable the use of all input fields in the new activity view.
  • Binaries are now compiled with fyne-cross 1.3.2 with Go 1.12.14 instead of 1.12.12 which brings fixes for the runtime package along with fixes for MacOS binaries being rejected by Gatekeeper.

Third Alpha - A hotfix for the second alpha

23 Dec 19:33
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The third alpha is just a small "hotfix" that fixes some small issues with the second alpha version.


  • Fixed the need to restart the app to see new activities if program is opened for the first time.
  • Add script ( to automate building and packaging of release binaries. This makes the windows binary packaged with a logo this time and makes releases much faster.

Second Alpha - Initial Windows and MacOS support

23 Dec 16:29
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This release has some fixes to make it possible to cross compile the application for MacOS and windows.
All release binaries and the surrounding data are compressed to make downloads faster.