MISGNet: Multilevel Intertemporal Semantic Guidance Network for Remote Sensing Images Change Detection
Authors: Binge Cui, Chenglong Liu, Haojie Li, Jianzhi Yu
We are excited to provide the PyTorch implementation of the paper: MISGNet: Multilevel Intertemporal Semantic Guidance Network for Remote Sensing Images Change Detection.
🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Nov. 26th, 2024,We are thrilled to announce that MISGNet has been accepted for publication in IEEE JSTARS! 🎉 You can check it out here.
If you find the project interesting, please consider giving it a ⭐️ star ⭐️ to support us! Stay tuned for more updates! 🔥
To run this project, you need to install the following dependencies:
To clone this repository and get started, use the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/JackLiu-97/MISGNet.git
cd MISGNet
You can download the pretrained models for the following datasets:
- LEVIR-CD: Baidu Drive, code: itrs
- SYSU-CD: Baidu Drive, code: itrs
After downloading, place the model in the output
Once the model is in place, you can run the demo to get started:
python demo.py --ckpt_url ${model_path} --data_path ${sample_data_path} --out_path ${out_data_path}
To train a model from scratch, run the following command:
python train.py --data_path ${train_data_path} --val_path ${val_data_path} --lr ${lr} --batch_size ${batch_size}
To evaluate a model on the test subset, use:
python predict.py --ckpt_url ${model_path} --data_path ${test_data_path}
We have also provided inference results for easier comparison with our model:
- LEVIR-CD: Baidu Drive, code: itrs
- SYSU-CD: Baidu Drive, code: itrs
WHU-CD: The WHU Building Change Detection Dataset contains two aerial images taken at different time phases, with significant land-use changes over a
$32570\times15354$ -
$0.2m$ -
Train/Validation/Test Split:
LEVIR-CD: Consists of
$1024\times1024$ pixels - Time Span: 5-14 years
- Contains 31,333 individual change building instances.
SYSU-CD: Contains
Image Size:
Dataset | Name | Link |
LEVIR-CD building change detection dataset | LEVIR-CD |
website |
SYSU-CD building change detection dataset | SYSU-CD |
website |
WHU building change detection dataset | WHU-CD |
website |
The code is released for non-commercial and research purposes only. For commercial use, please contact the authors.