31 july 2020.
The data is provided by Motivate, which is a bike share system provider for many cities in the United States. The data files for all three cities contain the same six columns:
- Start Time
- End Time
- Trip Duration (in seconds)
- Start Station
- End Station
- User Type (Subscriber or Customer)
The Chicago and New York City files also contain the following two columns:
- Gender
- Birth Year
The script answers the following questions about the bike share data:
- What is the most popular month for start time?
- What is the most popular day of week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) for start time?
- What is the most popular hour of day for start time?
- What is the total trip duration and average trip duration?
- What is the most popular start station and most popular end station?
- What is the most popular trip?
- What are the counts of each user type?
- What are the counts of gender?
- What are the earliest (i.e. oldest person), most recent (i.e. youngest person), and most popular birth years?
The project include bikeshare.py: a python file that includes the code The datasets of the three cities:-washington.csv -chicago.csv -newyork.csv
In this project i used different online resource