A browser extension that adds clipboard functionality for Scryfall
This project was created in an attempt to address my own personal struggles with using Scryfall while deckbuilding. Its only job is to allow a user to collect cards as they search on Scryfall and then allow them to copy those cards to their clipboard for use elsewhere.
- Don't modify or obstruct any existing Scryfall functionality.
- This is NOT a deckbuilding service. Make no assumptions about what the user is collecting cards for
- Card clipboard
- Link to card page
- Add/remove cards from clipboard
- Copy card clipboard to the user's clipboard
- Toggle clipboard visibility
- Persist card clipboard in local storage
- Clear card clipboard
- Query History
- Add current query
- Remove individual query
- Clear all queries
- Toggle history visibility
- Persist history to local storage
If you're interested in this project and would like to contribute, open a PR!